Severity Filter Remains Disabled After New Analysis

  • ALM: GitHub
  • CI: GitHub Actions
  • Languages: JS, TS

Error Observed

The Severity filter in the UI remains disabled with the message “Severity is available after a new analysis occurs” even after completing new analyses.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to project in SonarQube UI
  2. Run a new analysis on the project
  3. Wait for analysis to complete
  4. Attempt to use the Severity filter
  5. Filter remains disabled with message “Severity is available after a new analysis occurs”

Expected Behavior

The Severity filter should become enabled after a successful analysis, allowing filtering of issues by severity level.


  1. Are there specific permissions required for the Severity filter to become active?
  2. Are there any known conditions that could cause this filter to remain disabled?
  3. What troubleshooting steps would you recommend?

Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:

  • ALM used = GitHub
  • CI system used = Jenkins CI/CD
  • Scanner command used when applicable = scan was completed
  • Languages of the repository = AngularJS, NestJS
  • Only if the SonarCloud project is public, the URL = private project
  • Error observed (wrap logs/code around with triple quotes ``` for proper formatting) = when I mouse over the Severity option on Issues page > Filters > Severity, it was grey out and tooltip was showing : “Severity is available after a new analysis occurs.”
  • Steps to reproduce = Those filter options were suddenly become inactive since last Friday, 3rd Jan 2025. We are not sure what could cause this.
  • Potential workaround

Do not share screenshots of logs – share the text itself (bonus points for being well-formatted)!

Hey @buraksak and @fransiscl

Thanks for the reports. I can reproduce this and I’ve raised an incident internally. I’ll report back.


Hello again.

A fix is in progress and should be deployed this afternoon. Thank you again for the reports.


Hi Colin,

Thanks for the prompt response and the solution.

Edit: It’s working now. Thanks!

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Thanks for confirming @buraksak!

Thank you for the prompt response. Issue is resolved as well on my side.