Retrying a failed analysis when you were out of lines in your paid plan

We have a medium-sized project that got its analysis rejected/failed in SonarCloud days ago, as we had run out of the allowed max LOC in our plan. Now that we’ve upgraded the plan the error is still there and there seems to be no UI element either to discard that old analysis (ID AXETj76BE3rsAvlK8nx8) attempt or force a new one. Am I trapped there and should I just delete the project from SonarCloud and add it again later? Or what’s the correct way to proceed on such scenario?

Hi Gonzalo,

Can you click in “See details in Background Tasks” link on the error banner and then “show details” to double check that the plan you upgrade to is enough to cover the project?

If it is, try committing something on that project on the ALM, that should trigger a new analysis.

You can delete and add again the project, but be aware that you will lose historical data and metrics of that project!


Deleted project, analyzed it again and everything ok, seems like it doesn’t reanalyze a project once it has had a failed analysis due to plan restrictions. We started with just 100K and now we are on 500K lines of code plan