Policys Not Updating on PR

This morning all of our SonarCloud/quality gate policys seem to not get any status’s. Anyone else having this issue? Is there a way to debug this and check why the policy isnt being set to approved? There were no issues raised by sonar for the given PR. This is with Azure DevOps.

We are seeing the same…


This was fixed yesterday afternoon, see SonarCloud branch policy status no longer updated (since 15:45 at least).

Can you confirm?

Yes. All working now.


We’re still experiencing the same problem. Since ~ 2 days the Github Pull Request Decorations do not get updated. Github says " SonarCloud Code Analysis Expected — Waiting for status to be reported", even if the PR was correctly analysed by SonarCloud.
Any ideas @Fabrice_Bellingard ?

@anon22666463 Please open a new thread, your question relates to GitHub where this thread is about Azure DevOps. Thanks