Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked)
Using the SonarCloud Azure DevOps extensions
Project and Organization are bound:
Languages of the repository: C#, TypeScript, YAML, etc
Only if the SonarCloud project is public, the URL: PRIVATE
And if you need help with pull request decoration, then the URL to the PR too
Yes, we need help with the pull request decoration but on a private project.
Error observed
All of a sudden PR decoration stopped working and the PRs are now stuck at being able to pass the Sonar gates.
Simple pipeline setup that used to work.
All tasks still pass, but the response is not being posted back/received on the DevOps side so that it can mark the pull request ok to be completed.
Potential workaround
None found. We have gone through the other topics similar to this one and have:
Reset the Service Connection
Reset and reconfigured a new PAT
Tried configuring the project with a PAT
Tried recreating the Azure DevOps Status Check Policy
Ran the pipeline with Debug information on.
Checked that Enable IP Conditional Access policy validation on non-interactive flow is Off in DevOps
Searched the web for other people experiencing the same issue, or if there’s trouble with SonarClound, but your status page reports everything alright.
Unfortunately none of the above worked or got us a solution. Can you please assist with resolving the issue? We’ve got a lot of PRs stuck at the moment and I believe the list is just going to get bigger.
Logs from the analyze logs. If you want one with extra debug info, please let me know. analyze logs.txt (27.6 KB)
Can confirm this is also an issue with us, at some point this morning Azure DevOps has stopped decorating the PRs with the SonarCloud status. Everything looks fine in SonarCloud, the analysis has run ok, but the pull request statuses are not being updated.
We’re having the same issue. Quality gate is passing in SonarCloud and the background task is completing successfully but the quality gate is stuck at waiting in Azure Devops.
We’ve tried regenerating the PAT, and also added the PAT at the project level as well as the organisation level but the problem is still occurring.
Have also reset the PAT token in Azure DevOps and updated this within SonarCloud, as well as refreshing the token in SonarCloud and updating the service connection in Azure DevOps.
Seeing the issue still.
I’ve contacted some of the people/sales staff we had contact with when purchasing, to see if it can get along to the support/dev team there, will feedback if I hear anything through that route.
Can also confirm it does not work on our projects. Resetting all tokens and double checking permissions did not seem to fix the issue. Will be watching this thread…
Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:
ALM used : GitHub
CI system used : Github Actions
Scanner command used when : Sonar-Scanner
Languages of the repository : Javascript / Typwscript
Steps to reproduce : every PR of the whole organization fall in waiting status.
Potential workaround : can’t see any workaround
Our teams are reporting this issue since this morning (18 Sept 2023 10am).
This issue is likely starting to occur sometime between last Friday (15 Sept 2023) and this morning (18 Sept 2023). On our end, no change at all during the weekend.
I integrated SonarCloud into my three repositories, but suddenly today, the Sonar quality gate status is not appearing in Azure PR. It has been stuck on ‘waiting’ for a long time, and I have tried re-queue multiple times. I have also verified that my PAT token is valid.