Organisation Missing

Hi, I created a SonarCloud account the other day and started to use it. Seemed to be working fine.

Today I have logged in and my organisation seems to have been deleted along with everything associated with it. Is it possible to open a private support ticket to deal with this?

My default org still exists, the other I created (that is a paid account) is not visible.

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seems to be working now. unsure what was happening

Hi @daniel.shoubridge,

Let me ask some questions to understand what could have happened :

  • Since when haven’t you been on SonarCloud ?
  • Are you using GitHub, Bitbucket or Azure DevOps to do the authentication ?

Julien Lancelot

Hi Julien,

After logging out/in it seems to be working, possibly I have multiple accounts and the wrong one was picked up.

I can’t use Azure DevOps login as you don’t support my account, so I am using GitHub.

I flagged this ticket as it wouldn’t let me delete it.