We tried to create the same project via the web interface and had no issues. So the issue is either on the back-end side of SonarQube or on your side.
Have you made sure your sonar-project.properties is encoded in UTF-8?
What about your database, does it support any encoding or does it have restrictions?
Thank you for your report. I have reproduced the issue locally and created a ticket for it: [SONAR-22114] - Jira .
The issue doesn’t seem to be related to database settings but rather to scanner software. Please watch the updates on the ticket if you are interested in the fix.
It seems to be an old bug, that should be fixed by using jre 9+:
I confirm that I still have the problem with Sonar Version 9.9.4 (build 87374) (Java 17.0.11) and a sonar-project.properties encoded with utf-8 (not latin-1 / ISO-8859-1):