Hello SonarSource team
I am a member of the GreenCodeInitiative core team. We would like to request the addition of the ecoCode Csharp plugin to the SonarQube Marketplace. Some description of the ecoCode project has been written by jycr in discussion [NEW PLUGIN] ecoCode - Requesting inclusion in SonarQube Marketplace
This plugin targets CSharp language. The first release we would like to include is 1.1.0.
- Plugin key: ** ecocodecsharp**
- Project URL: GitHub - green-code-initiative/ecoCode-csharp-sonarqube : Reduce the environmental footprint of your C# software programs
- SonarCloud: SonarCloud
- Plugin Binaries URL: Releases · green-code-initiative/ecoCode-csharp-sonarqube · GitHub
We are maintaining a test project to verify the quality of the plugin and that all rules are well reported into SonarQube. You can find it here for your tests: GitHub - green-code-initiative/ecoCode-csharp-test-project : CSharp project to test SonarQube plugins of ecoCode
Here is the related PR: Add ecoCode-csharp plugin by dedece35 · Pull Request #550 · SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties · GitHub
Thank you,
David (dedece35)