[NEW PLUGIN] ecoCode JavaScript - Requesting inclusion in SonarQube Marketplace

Hello SonarSource team :wave:

I am a member of the GreenCodeInitiative core team. We would like to request the addition of the ecoCode Javascript plugin to the SonarQube Marketplace. Some description of the ecoCode project has been written by jycr in discussion [NEW PLUGIN] ecoCode - Requesting inclusion in SonarQube Marketplace

This plugin targets Javascript and Typescript languages, with technologies like NestJS and React (JSX). It uses the SonarJS API to keep things in line. The first release we would like to include is 1.4.0.

We are maintaining a test project to verify the quality of the plugin and that all rules are well reported into SonarQube. You can find it here for your tests: GitHub - green-code-initiative/ecoCode-javascript-test-project: JavaScript project to test ESLint and SonarQube plugins of ecoCode

Here is the related PR:

Thank you,
Maxime (utarwyn)



Welcome to the community!

I want to let you know that Iā€™ve seen this request. Itā€™s on my list, but there are a few other things I need to get out of the way first. I hope to come back to you this week, though.


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Hello Ann,

Iā€™m delighted to be part of the community!

Thank you for this message. Thereā€™s no hurry, I can wait.
I look forward to your feedback :+1:

Good evening

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Hi Maxime,

The bureaucratic requirements are met. :slight_smile:

The testing looks good as well, so Iā€™m going to process your PR. Just a few notes:

  • Love this (ecocode-javascript:EC9):
    And BTW, Iā€™ve already provided feedback internally about the table cell vertical alignment.


  • It looks like all your rules have been classed as Consistency/Conventional in the new Clean Code taxonomy. Iā€™m (now) assuming thatā€™s the default. Just a note that in future releases you may want to take a look at this.

  • One thing Iā€™m not seeing is // Noncompliant comments in your noncompliant code samples. They help users separate the wheat from the chaff

  • ecocode-javascript:EC24 - Iā€™m surprised this rule recommends a limit and not a where clause. I would think limiting CPU at the server / DB would be in scope here :slight_smile:

  • I see that a few rules provide Further Reading, which is awesome. And thereā€™s a way to mark that up to have it shown on a ā€˜More Infoā€™ tab, E.G.. Iā€™m not aware of the details, but if you want to create a thread, we can get it tracked down.

  • ecocode-javascript:EC12 - ā€œThere are more than two style assignations for ā€˜elementā€™. Use a class instead.ā€ That doesnā€™t mean what you think it does. :joy:

    plural noun: assignations
    an appointment to meet someone in secret, typically one made by lovers.

    You want ā€œassignmentsā€


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Hello Ann,

Thank you for your time and for the quick review! :slight_smile:
Itā€™s very pleasing to see your commitment to the plugins made by the community.

Indeed, there are still a few adjustments to be made and this translation is clearly not good haha.
I will create an issue on the project repository to process all your highly relevant feedback!

All the best,

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Hello @ganncamp,

sorry to disturb you again but the update repository https://update.sonarsource.org does not appear to have updated since October 9. I have seen this date at the top of this file.

Do you know if there is a problem somewhere? Or when the site will be updated?

Thanks in advance and have a nice evening!


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Hi Maxime,

Thanks for the ping, and sorry about this. I promise the job has been run, but internally, weā€™ve got someone ā€œhelpfullyā€ moving the job to a ā€œbetterā€ provider. :frowning: This is also currently screwing up showing SonarQube 10.3 in the Plugin Version Matrix. :frowning_face:

Hopefully weā€™ll get this sorted out soon.


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Hi again,

Weā€™ve tracked down the problem & it should be fixed. Thanks again for your ping on this.


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Hello Ann,

Thanks for the quick fix! Looks good from my end.
Have a nice weekend! :grin:


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