Migrate from Bitbucket to Github

Hi Sonarcloud Team,
we (egym) would like to unbind our organisation from bitbucket and rebind it to github. As stated here: https://community.sonarsource.com/t/sonarcloud-and-migrating-from-bitbucket-to-github/62814 this action has to be triggered on your site, since such configuration option in the menu is missing.

We would like to do this switch on the 28.11.2022. Let me know what else is required from your site.

Best regards


Hello Marty and welcome to the Community!

You can rebind your organisation by following these steps:

  1. Go to your BitBucket Workspace → Settings → Installed apps and remove the SonarCloud app. This should effectively unbind your SonarCloud organization from BitBucket Workspace

  2. Log in to SonarCloud with your BitBucket account and verify that your organization is unbound - the BB platform logo will be grey, you can also verify this in Administration → Organization settings

  3. Log in to SonarCloud with your GitHub account (which has to be already a member of your SonarCloud organization), go to your Organization → Administration → Organization settings and you should have an option to Bind this organization to GitHub (see screenshot)

It’s important to mention that this will rebind only your Organization. The existing projects bindings will not change.


Hi Peter,
thank you. It worked fine.

Best regards

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