Last Analysis failed cb498a67-14ff-4901-9245-e6639f001c02

this was analysis from develop branch. also in code section in sonarcloud I see duplicate code file.


Welcome to the community and thanks for this report!

Did this analysis error just happen? I’m going to flag this for the folks with access to look up the log and having an approximate date/time will help them find the error.

Regarding your duplications, each pair shows different lines of code between the two versions of the file. Can you click through and verify they’re actually the same code in each file of the pair?


yes it happened just.

let me verify code in each file as you mentioned.


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Hi @devopscaxsol ,

We see that you have both JS and TS files analyzed. We would assume that the JS file is generated out of the TS file, which then may explain the duplication detection.

If so, you would probably want to analyze only the TS files. You could consider these options to do that:

  • exclude those JS files from the analysis, either using exclusion patterns or storing those files in a place not analyzed by the sonar scanner. Please have a look at this documentation page.
  • or, run the sonar scanner before JS files are generated
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