How do I add users managed by Bitbucket to Org?

I created Org and I am trying to add a user from Bitbucket to my org but I can’t find him.

I tried to search by name, e-mail and id but I can’t find it on ‘Add User’ page.

Can anyone help?

(FYI, my users in Bitbucket are logged in via SSO)

Hi @hihi574,

Did you check the user you want to add, logged to SonarCloud with his/her login already?


Ok - I found that username is what user puts when logs in to Bitbucket. (not e-mail)

I got it working. thank you!

What bright star came up with this solution? Someone that obviously doesn’t work with a large team or use the product. Would be great to have a professional solution (like add user by email)

Hi @Brad_Schulz,
If i am not wrong i think this feature is already there in SonarCloud. If you try to add member by searching them with their email ID associated with Bitbucket cloud you will find them, assuming user already has an account in SonarCloud.