Have two repos (GH and GitLab) under one SonarCloud org

Hello i have a same problem, when i run my pipeline i have error “Could not find a default branch to fall back on”

My question is what can i do if i have all my repos in github and i need to scan only one repo in GITLAB? Can i have two repos from two different providers (GITHUB and GITLAB) under one organization?

Hi @timurshamraliev and welcome to the community !

No this is not possible, you’ll have to create one GitLab organization on SonarCloud (that will also ease the setup of the CI pipeline).


Thank you, can we have two organizations under one billing account or we need to create another account with another billing? And if yes, could you guide me where i can find documentation how to create Gitlab organization and possibly have one billing account for github and gitlab.


No i’m afraid this is not possible as well, our billing is per-organization basis.

Thank you.