Github PR decoration not reflecting for Pull Requests with higher number of commits

  • We referred to this guide and upgraded Sonar to the latest developer edition i.e, 8.4.2. The setup works fine for Pull Requests with lesser number of commits but FAILS for Pull Requests with higher number of commits ( in our case more than 100+)

Hey there.

Sounds like SONAR-13451 which should be fixed in SonarQube v8.5 scheduled for this week (the technical release is done)

thanks Colin for the information. Is there any way, we can come to know if there is any new version release

Here are our a few more useful links regarding SonarQube 8.5, which just got released on 9 October 2020:

Keep on eye on the What’s new page. I also highly suggest you sign up for our announcement email on this page as well: