Enhance SonarCloud to integrate with multiple Platforms

Apparently, SonarCloud can only handle one platform at a time particularly when the same email address is used.
Can we please upgrade SomarCloud so it can be integrated with at least 2 platforms, in our case GitHub & Azure DevOps, using the same email address.

Hi @RamSoftIT and thank you for your contribution :slight_smile:
We you say

so it can be integrated with at least 2 platforms, in our case GitHub & Azure DevOps, using the same email address.

what do you mean exactly by “integrated”?
Because you can already connect to SonarCloud with your two accounts right? Are you looking for a way to gather all your projects under a same account?

I’d be glad to talk with you about it :slight_smile:
Kind regards,


Hello Christophe ! I have the same issue. Basically, my azure devops account and my github account use the same email. My entreprise use both Azure Dev Ops and Github …and I will need to create 2 organizations. Since I already have an Organization using Azure DevOps, I was going to create a new organization for github. When I tried to login using gitHub, I receive an error message looking like this :
Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 3.30.03 PM

So from that, I assume that I need to create myself a new github account with a different email and use that one … or have my team use either github or Azure DevOps but not both ?

Hi @Rene_Laplaine and welcome to our community :slight_smile:
What I can tell you is that if you connect with the same email address with GitHub, then Azure (or vice-versa), nothing will be erased. You can click continue and you will be able to connect with your GitHub account and then be able to import a GitHub organization and projects.

This screen is super misleading and we know we need to get rid of it.

However, so far there is no way to “import” your GitHub projects into your “SonarCloud Azure organization”. You will have to disconnect from your Azure account and reconnect with your GitHub account everytime.
And this is something we know and will address at some point, it just takes a lot of time (and a bit of complexity) :slight_smile:

Hope this helps :wink:


Hello Christophe ! Thanks for your prompt response !

I just want to double check with you … since I am the admin of my Azure DevOps Organization, I really dont want to loose access to my ADO Org if I click on continue while connection with my GitHub Account.

So basically, you can confirm that I can connect to my Org ABC with my Azure Dev Ops account and then logout and login to my org WXY with my github account whiout deleting my access/project or whatever could be delete from either account. This is corrected ?

Thanks !!

Hey @Rene_Laplaine ,
I truly understand your concern.
Below is a demo showing how I switch from an account to another, using the same email address. As you can see, I still have all my projects.
The only thing we remove is the notifications registration from the first account to register them again to the second account. This is what the warning is about.

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