Disable Pull Request decoration in Azure Devops

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  • What are you trying to accomplish?
    Disable Pull Request decoration in Azure Devops

  • Why does this matter to you?
    Having bound our SonarCloud organisation to our Azure DevOps organisation, I now see comments automatically added to Pull Requests. While this is “expected behaviour” it now means that our developer community is being swamped with comments in their pull requests.
    With the current lack of rule tuning in our SonarCloud environment, all these comments are just being seen as noise and are generally being ignored by the developers.

    As it’s not possible to turn the PR decoration off, to stop the noise I’m going to have to remove SonarCloud from the developer workflow (take it out of the pipelines), which involves going through a lot of pipelines and raising PR’s with the necessary change.

    None of the above points lead to a good developer experience of the product.

  • How would that look in SonarCloud? Alternatives?
    I don’t know how you’re sending the PR decoration to Azure DevOps, but I’d have thought that a flag that I can send in from the command line or a setting in the GUI (something like “sonar.pullrequest.prdecoration=false”) at both a project and organisation level would seem sensible.

  • How would we know it works well?
    It would be possible to selectively enable / disable PR decoration at both the project and organisation level.

  • Why should it be a priority now?
    Looking through your Community posts, I can see that I’m not the first person to ask for this functionality, indeed I can see posts on this issue going back to 2021.

    I’ve also had a look through your product roadmap and as far as I can see a request to selectively enable / disable PR decoration for Azure DevOps doesn’t appear on it.