we are using Azure DevOps for login as our organization is completely managed via Azure AD.
As CI system we use GitLab Enterprise, however, and on project creation there is now a nag screen that no Azure DevOps projects could be found. This is of course expected in our setup.
Are there any plans to make it possible to separate Microsoft Login from Microsoft CI? Also, we hope there won’t be a point in the future where Microsoft Login is only possible if you have Azure DevOps projects because that would mean a lock out from sonarcloud for us.
Hi @voelda,
I want to be sure to understand your use case before I answer :
You login with Azure DevOps account (because credentials are managed by AzureAD)
You host your code with Gitlab
You build your code with Gitlab
Am I correct? If so, I’m curious about how do you authenticate within Gitlab today?
Then to answer your question, the only way for you to analyze your projects would be to login with Gitlab accounts. The possibility of connecting from Azure DevOps and importing project from Gitlab is something we discuss internally, but with no deadline at all.
Also, can you clarify this sentence please?
we hope there won’t be a point in the future where Microsoft Login is only possible if you have Azure DevOps projects because that would mean a lock out from sonarcloud for us.
Does that mean that you already use SonarCloud or that it will prevent you from starting with it?
Hi @Christophe_Havard,
sorry for the delayed answer. Our constellation is a bit special, we already use SonarCloud with GitLab EE OnPremises, which works fine for us. (I know this is not Sonar’s intention of SonarCloud use). Our company wide authentication is Microsoft, we use sonarscanner to upload projects to SonarCloud.
That’s also why we can (and need to) use AzureAD for Authentication.
The only concern for us is: since the Microsoft Login is connected to AzureDevOps we wan’t to prevent there will be a point in the future where we will be locked out because of our setup.
Basically: why not have Microsoft Auth without the need for their CI/CD. For our company that’s the use case we would not like to “lose” so to speak.
Your feedback is super important for us, thank you for sharing
As I said, this is something we discuss internally and might come one day. For now, this is still a use case we don’t cover, Microsoft Login is tightly coupled with its pending ALM, Azure DevOps.
There could be a temporary solution : you can create a manual organization and a manual project, linked to your gitlab repo. Theoretically it should work. However I think the PR deco won’t work anyway :S
We recently launched SonarCloud Enterprise, which includes support for SAML, and specifically support for Okta and Azure AD / Entra. This means you can use Azure AD for auth, but whatever DevOps platform you like behind the scenes.