[ANNONCEMENT] SonarQube Groovy Plugin archived

Just a heads up: I recently archived GitHub - Inform-Software/sonar-groovy: SonarQube plugin for Groovy for multiple reasons (personal, professional, etc.)

The plugin was already unmaintained for multiple years and shows more and more issues with newer SonarQube releases.

If anyone wants to take over, please contact me (until the end of January) and I can initiate a repository move.

@ganncamp: Would it make sense to remove the Groovy plugin from the update center?



Thanks for the ping.

Generally, we remove* plugins from the Marketplace when they’re no longer compatible. Is that the case? Currently, we’ve got Groovy marked as compatible with LATEST, meaning as each new SonarQube Server / Community Build version is released, it will automatically be presented in the version’s Marketplace.


* They’re not actually removed. We simply mark them incompatible with new versions. Eventually the SonarQube Server versions the plugin is compatible with are removed from the Marketplace, and the plugin naturally “ages out”.

There were some incompatibilities reported (for example Default value for sonar.lang.patterns.grvy does not apply in newer SonarQube versions · Issue #199 · Inform-Software/sonar-groovy · GitHub), which I never came around to analyse, but it still seems to work with newer SonarQube versions…


I don’t have a way of knowing how many users it has, but I’m inclined to let it ride until someone reports an incompatibility. Unless you feel strongly about it?


No, I’m fine with that. Then just leave it this way.

Regards, Tobias

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