Analysis is not displayed in SonarCloud

Hello, recently I think they removed the internet output from the server where I have devops services configured, and I suppose I should ask for a whitelist, and I don’t know if that is my current problem.

It turns out that I configured a new project in SonarCloud, like all the others, I run the integration continues, at the end of the Run Code Analysis I do not see those changes reflected in SonarCloud


In line 2242, enter the following url\RolloutBRA

and when I enter to consult this it shows me the following


In the task “Prepare analysis on SonarCloud” I have the following

I hope you can guide me, thank you very much

The service encountered an incident very recently. Could you please try again?
more info at:

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Oh I see, I’ll keep an eye on the notifications, so I continue with my usual settings and I don’t change anything, thanks.


Hello, I still have the same problem, although a moment ago I did the same but indicating the Branch that I had already configured “PROD”, and so I could do it correctly, but when I want to leave it with a Branch.Name = “Dev \ RolloutBRA” , the analysis is not shown in SonarCloud, it is as if I did not create that Branch, was the way to configure this changed?

I just tried it now and I keep getting the same problem, it does all the analysis but never creates the corresponding Branch, am I missing any configuration? Thank you.

I just used PostMan and put the url that told me sonarcloud and I got this problem[TER]HANA_TER_DAIMLER_ROUTE_CON&characteristic=branch%3DDEV\RolloutBRA&characteristic=branchType%3DLONG

Hi @MartinMaldonado

Is there any background task available in your Administration -> Background task menu of your project ?
