Wrong URL in the analysis log while using Branch Plugin

Version Used:
Licence : Developer Edition
Plugins: Branch 7 (build 11001)

We use Jenkins to execute analysis in SonarQube and a feedback log is provided by Sonar in which the URL to the analysis location is provided. This URL is correct when single branch is used.

Unfortunately, when multi branch jobs are run, this URL takes to the project dashboard with master/default branch selected. Ideally this URL should point to the dahsboard of the particular Branch.

steps to reproduce: Just run a sonar analysis with branch parameter for a non-master/non-default branch.

Thanks in advance!!!

Hey there,

Sounds like you’re going to love latest SonarQube versions then !

  • SONAR-10467 - The link logged at the end of scanner analysis should support branches and PR

Fixed in 7.2, so it’s expected that you don’t see it in your current v7.1. In any case I would recommend upgrading to latest version !


Thanks Nicolas for the quick response. We will work on getting SonarQube upgraded to the mentioned version.