Our SonarPHP analyzer is shipped with a built-in Drupal Quality Profile, but not for Wordpress. Note that it does not mean we implemented specific rules for Drupal, just that a set of them specifically applies for Drupal projects.
We do not plan on short term to implement specific rules for Wordpress, addressing each popular PHP frameworks coding standards (of frameworks in general) would be a lot of work and a lot of maintenance.
However either existing PHP rules are good enough and it’s just a matter of creating a Quality Profile which targets Wordpress projects, or it needs some rules implementation. From our Extension guide you can figure out how to develop a plugin and how to implement rules.
Some PHP rules are good enough, but some (like PSR2 standard for class names) are not. I tried extending some, but in some cases I could do it, and in other I couldn’t which I found odd.
Also it would make more sense to have WordPress standards since WordPress powers over 30% of top 10 million sites on the web
I’ll take a look at the extension guide, maybe I can modify it more easily
if this is the case, which part of WordPress standards the rule is covering
if the rule is no useable out of box for WordPress, tell us why
if you believe some rules are missing to fully cover WordPress’s standards, tell it and we will do our best to close the gap.
The best way to share this information with us would be a Google Sheet but whatever format that suits you will work for us. The identifier of a rule at SonarSource is looking like that: RSPEC-4426