Hello, we are unable to use Sonar for our iOS code because we are using Swift 5.9 and Sonar only supports up to 5.7, so our Github action fails with “ERROR: String is not parsed” on the 5.9 language features. Please let us know when support will become available.
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I already raised this question in this request Support for Swift 5.9
The reply i got is, that they will work on it.
For now i am ignoring the files where i use Swift 5.9 language specific features.
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i saw here Languages overview | SonarCloud Documentation
that swift 5.9 is now listed as supported (not as fully supported).
we had a similar problem, Sonarqube Enterprise 9.9 LTS didn’t support Swift 5.9
But since updating to Sonarqube 10.4.1 - now on Sonarqube 10.5.1 latest - Swift 5.9 is supported.
Do we have an idea, when Swift 5.9 will be fully supported?
SonarQube doesn’t understand switch with default nil (without the return)
Hey @Arnaud_Lays
Can you create a new thread with additional information? Particularly:
- What version of SonarQube you’re using
- A sample of code that doesn’t parse correctly