Hello Sonar Community.
I want to use the new language features in swift 5.9 like macros & if switch expressions (https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0380-if-switch-expressions.md) and still continue using sonar.
Currently only swift 5.7 is supported by sonar and therefore i got issues as new keywords could not be parsed.
##[error]ERROR: String is not parsed (file Sources/TestMacros/TestMacros.swift, line 4)
1: import Foundation
3: @freestanding(expression)
4: public macro generateFoo(fooString value: String) -> (foo) = #externalMacro(module: "FooMacros", type: "FooMacro")
Is there a timeline when swift 5.9 will be supported?
Thank you in advance.