What is the acceptable rate of code smells

I am running a project and need to set code smell rate for project.

Please help me any idea

Since code smells are unavoidable during project development, what is the acceptable rate of code smells per 1,000 lines of code?

0-5 per 1000 lines is ideal
At this level, the code base is considered relatively clean.

6-10: Needs improvement
Can be resolved with a small amount of refactoring, but may increase technical debt.

10+: Needs action
Refactoring or re-architecture is recommended to help the team work more efficiently.

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Could you please help me any ideas?


Take a look at the Maintainability Rating.


@ganncamp Thank for your reply!

So the Maintainability Rating is based solely on code smells (calculated as technical debt), while other issues such as bugs and security vulnerabilities are used to calculate the Reliability and Security Ratings, respectively. Is my perception correct?


Yes, that’s correct.

To be clear, the way the Reliability and Vulnerability ratings are calculated is different than the way Maintainability is calculated, but they’re based on the issues you mentioned.


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