Welcome to the SonarSource Community forum, an open forum for anybody to discuss SonarQube Server / Community Build, SonarQube for IDE and SonarQube Cloud. Be aware that this is a public forum moderated by SonarSource staff when they have time.
The goal of this community is to give you a place to discuss getting up and running with SonarSource products and then making the most of them for Code Quality and Code Security in your workflows.
Here’s an overview of what you can expect (details in the FAQ):
- Be patient - helping out in this community is no one’s primary job. You may not get an answer right away
- Contribute as much as you expect to receive
- It is not a replacement for more structured support
What we expect (details in the FAQ):
- Be nice
- Make sure you’re starting a topic in the right category
- Keep to one subject per thread / topic
- Provide as much detail as possible, and keep your topic tidy
- Do your homework
Before posting on this forum, please:
- Read the FAQ
- Visit the CATEGORIES page to get a broad overview of what’s going on here
- Search before opening a new topic, since someone might have created a topic where an answer to your question is already available
For your own convenience:
- If you signed up with a work email, you may want to add an alternate email so you can still access your account here if you switch jobs.
That’s it! Welcome to the Community! Happy posting!