Using Azure's Service Principal or Managed Identity for SQ authentication


We’d be interested in using Azure’s Service Principal or Managed Identity for SonarQube authentication considering the AzureDevops connection, instead of the current method of using a PAT. The primary motivation behind this request is to enhance security and streamline management.

Given these advantages, we are keen to know if there are any ongoing initiatives or plans to support this authentication method for SonarQube. Could you provide any details on the feasibility or timeline for such an integration?

Found similar questions considering SonarCloud, but not SonarQube.

Thanks in advance!

Hey there.

If we ever make the change for SonarCloud, it will eventually make its way into SonarQube (or vice versa). So while it’s on our radar, we don’t have a timeline now.

Hi Colin!

Ok thanks for the info.

Have a great week :smiling_face:

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