Azure DevOps - Service Principal integration

Hi @Martin_Bednorz ,

unfortunally you’ve closed the other thread already, where you mentioned that using a serviceprincipal for authenticating with azure devops is already on the roadmap.

The serviceprincipal auth is needed for many orgs I’ve worked with and the technical implementation to authenticate with an service principal is simple as you can see here in the stack overflow awnser from an MS employee:

Can you please check, if you can priorise that issue?

I haven’t found a button to send this in private :smiley:

This relates to: Please add support for Service Principals for Azure Devops - SonarQube Cloud / Product Manager for a Day - Sonar Community

Best regards!

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Hello @Bjego,

Thank you for following up on this topic, we appreciate your time.
I have taken note of your feedback. As shared previously by @Martin_Bednorz this is already on our roadmap but we can’t provide any visibility on it’s availability just yet.
Please make sure that you have upvoted the corresponding item on our public roadmap to be notified as soon as this feature is making it’s way out.

Thank you

Thanks, I left some content on the issue. And I hope you can raise it’s priority :slight_smile:

@nour.zerhouni - here is another statement from Microsoft regarding PATs: Reducing personal access token (PAT) usage across Azure DevOps - Azure DevOps Blog.
Guess thats maybe interesting for your internal backlog item.
Best regards

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