Upgrading from 6.7.3 LTS to 7.9.1 LTS dependencies


We’re currently on Sonarqube, DB PostgreSQL 9.6.18.
We want to upgrade from 6.7.3 LTS to 7.9.1 LTS and wondering if we can jump straight from 6.7.3 LTS to 7.9.1 LTS? Will there be another version we need to jump to before we get to 7.9.1 LTS? Please advise.


Hi @john.le1,

you can find the answer in the Upgrade part of our doc: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/setup/upgrading/
To sum up, you can upgrade from one ex-LTS to the next LTS (6.7.X to 7.9.X).
I would strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest patch of the current LTS, which is 7.9.4 (and not 7.9.1).


Thanks for the advise Carine. John

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