Sorry if this has been asked before I couldn’t find it. I am super new to sonarqube. Found out I am administrating it today. just got my admin login…
question 1
the current version I have installed is 6.7.2, and I had hopes to get it updated to the latest 7.9.1.
From what it looks like I will have to update from 7.7.2 => 6.7.5 =>7.0 => 7.9.1 ??
Welcome to the community and to SonarQube in general.
Normally, it’s best to keep it to one topic per thread, but these should be simple to resolve and they’re fairly closely related, so I’ll try to handle them both here and see how it goes.
You can skip non-LTS versions, and you can also skip point releases/bug-fix versions (e.g. 6.7.3, 6.7.4, …). So from 6.7.2 you can jump straight to 7.9.1.
It really is just as simple as what the upgrade guide says.