Upgrade from 8.1v to 8.9.6 LTS

Hi Team

I got a mail from sonarqube community that my sonarqube version got EOL but with old version, all my projects are running.
I am using sonarqube Enterprise edition, so without affecting anything in the current project we should upgrade.
Is it possible to give support for live-up-gradation with your community presence?
Is it possible to schedule a meeting and can we finish it up?


Hey there.

You may find the Upgrade Guide and the LTS-to-LTS Upgrade Notes helpful. There’s also a great blog post targeting Enterprise Edition users like yourself.

What’s really important for a smooth upgrade is that you practice on a non-production instance (with a copy of production data) so you can feel confident in upgrading production.

We do not offer live support or scheduling a meeting to finish your upgrade. We’re happy to answer questions via this community (but it’s a free community without SLA and not a commercial support offering, please keep that in mind)