Unsupported Coding Languages C# and Python

Hello Support,

Version Used: SonarCloud (14 Days Trial Period)

We have tested a number of repositories with different coding languages to see how SonarCloud interacts with them.

For some reason the initial compatibility scan reported that automatic analysis was not able to cover Python and C#. It is noteworthy to mention that we have found example Projects within SonarCloud that appeared to have successfully scanned these coding languages.

Please find below some screenshot evidence with regards to issues at hand.

Error Observed: "100% Lines of Code will be ignored (C# files)

Compatibility scan fails when we attempted to run it again.

Secondary Repository with similar issues.

Error Observed: “Lines of Code will be ignored C#, PowerShell, Shell, ASP.NET files”

Compatibility scan also fails when attempted again.


Francesco Grima

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Hello @frgr02,

Welcome to SonarSource community forum.

Because some languages need to be compiled before we can analysed them correctly, SonarCloud only support automatic analysis (AutoScan) for a restricted list of languages given at https://sonarcloud.io/documentation/analysis/automatic-analysis/
By the way there must be a misunderstanding for Python because python is supported for automatic analysis.

Whenever you have code in a language that does not support automatic analysis, you have to run the analysis yourself, generally from a CI tool (but possibly from the command line), and following a process that’s different depending on the language.
For C# for instance, the process is described at: https://sonarcloud.io/documentation/analysis/scan/sonarscanner-for-msbuild/


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