Lacking support from Sonar team

After making the payment for the month of July, within 1 business day, we received the LOC exceeded error message, we reached out to the team through e-mail but were given no concrete solution or communication for further support, we were constantly told to reach out through the community forum.
Please reach out to us, via e-mail would be preferable.

Hey there @ApoorvaR

This Community forum is the right place to come and ask for help if you don’t have access to Sonar Commercial Support. That means all communication will be handled here, and not over e-mail.

Any additional details you can provide would be great! Like…

  • What language(s) are you analyzing?
  • What scanner are you using?
  • What DevOps Platform is your SonarCloud organization you connected to?
  • Have there been any recent changes to your codebase that could result in more code being analyzed?

A few helpful links:

We were already in dialogue with your team in the month of July, @Kumar Sah, Vivek can provide you with the details of the same as to where it went with the team. As for the questions you have asked, we analyze c#, python and javascript languages. We are connected to the SonarCloud through Azure DevOps platform. No such codebase changes have been made.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, thanking you in advance for a timely and fitting response.
Apoorva Ranjan.

If you suddenly found yourself analyzing more code in the context of C# projects, it may be related to this change:

As noted in the post, you can specify sonar.scanner.scanAll=false to revert to the former behavior or pin the version (in the Prepare Code Analysis task) of the Scanner for .NET to 8.0.2 which fixed an important issue where coverage files were being imported as Lines of Code.

Hi @ApoorvaR,

First, I am sorry to hear you are facing such disruptions. Let’s figure out what happened.

Second, do you have any information about which repository saw an increase in LOCs? Which language? (visible in the bar at the top of the project).
Also, could you tell us at which date you received that message?

Depending on this information we can help you investigate what happened.


Hey Denis,

The errors are very random since and we were seeing them regularly in July but now somehow the frequency has gone down, also mostly we have disabled Sonar from pipelines, sometimes the errors do not repeat in the same repo.

I would say most repos have given this error message, the languages used were c# or javascript.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for reaching out.


Well the LOC limit applies to the organisation, so any repo that brings you over the limit would show errors.

What would be good to see would be the evolution of LOCs for the last repo that triggered the error, for example.

And how close are you to your limit today?
