Unable to load authentication DLL mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using SonarQube sonar-application-
  • how is SonarQube deployed: zip deployed to ubuntu 20.04, against MSSQL with integrated security
  • what are you trying to achieve deploy new instance of SonarQube for on prem Azure Devops Server
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this
  1. Added SQL auth DLL to /usr/bin/ ensured integrated identity had ownership of the file
  2. reviewed other posts in which people mention possible other versions of the dll, but none have seemed to clear the error “Unable to load authentication DLL mssql-jdbc_auth-11.2.3.x64” from the web.log
  3. Validated that the cred set and user have correct perms to the SQL DB
  4. run all updates and rebooted a few times :confused:
    I feel like im soooo close but im just doing something small wrong. Any help or direction would be great!

Believe it or not this is an already EOL version of SonarQube. :smiley: Why are you deploying 10.0, instead of the latest 10.3?

I think this will be your issue. It’s a bit of a nightmare to sort out Integrated Authentication and Linux.
Take a look at this post.