Unable to import Azure DevOps Organization in SonarQube Cloud

Hi Team, We are facing issues while trying to import our azure DevOps Organisation in SonarQube Cloud. Screenshot is attached.

I also checked Importing Organization to Sonarcloud From Azure DevOps, but in our case we have not enabled conditional access in our tenant, so there is no action to enable or disable the mentioned policy.
Can you please help us with this.



We had a few users reporting this and it turned out to be an issue with their network policy. It was filtering the request and removing the ADO token that is passed as a header.

Those use ZScaler. Do you use ZScaler or a similar network filtering solution?

To confirm, can you try outside of your corporate network to validate that this is the problem?


Any news @mohit_bairagi?

Hi Antoine,

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, it was Zscaler.
It worked for me when I tried to import Azure DevOps Organization from my personal network. Also worked after whitelisting it on Zscaler.


Thank you for your confirmation @mohit_bairagi

I’m glad that it worked after allowing it on ZScaler :white_check_mark:
