Unable to find Build Wrapper

We’re trying to download the build wrappers from the location specified in the manual at C/C++/Objective-C (obviously replacing {SonarQube URL} with the URL of our instance of SonarQube):

  • {SonarQube URL}/static/cpp/build-wrapper-linux-x86.zip
  • {SonarQube URL}/static/cpp/build-wrapper-macosx-x86.zip
  • {SonarQube URL}/static/cpp/build-wrapper-win-x86.zip

However, they don’t seem to be getting installed when following the server installation instructions at https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/setup-and-upgrade/install-the-server/. We’ve search the entire server for the .zip files and they don’t seem to be present. Note that this is for SonarQube v9.8.0.63668, using SonarScanner v4.7.

Hey there.

You won’t be able to find them in the SonarQube installation directory – they’re bundled with a dependency and then made available for download when the server has started.

So you should start your SonarQube server, and then download the build wrapper from the URL: like http://localhost:9000/static/cpp/build-wrapper-macosx-x86.zip