Unable to Configure DevOps Platform Integrations

I have tried to configure Azure DevOps Platform Integration (both Azure & Github with no result)

  • versions used:
  • error observed:
The request cannot be processed. Try again later.

  • steps to reproduce

Try to configure DevOps Platform Integration

  • potential workaround: NA

Hey @mnunezdm,

Thank you for reporting this.

In SQ 9.5 we’ve included more detailed logs for failing ADO connections (tracked in SONAR-15064).

Would it be possible for you to upgrade to 9.5, and share the logs that you get when you try to create this configuration for Azure?

Kind regards,

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Hi Team,

we are also facing similar error in 9.6 version, Please let us know what could be steps to resolve it.

@mnunezdm - can you please help us if it was fixed for you.


In our case was a firewall issue, that was also affecting some scans, not what we have to lift

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