Tripled popups when hovering over issue in IntelliJ

I have version of the SonarLint plugin with IntelliJ 2018.2, and when SonarLint has scanned a file, if I hover over one of the issues, it shows the same feedback three times. This triplicate continues if I click the “more…” link. I’ve attached an image showing the first pop-up. Is there something that I can change on my end to make it only show the info once?

Hello Ben, thank you for your feedback.

I have been able to reproduce this issue with SonarLint for IntelliJ, and not with the current version ( as of writing, still compatible with IJ 2018.2). I suggest that you update to this latest version, we have worked on quite a few fixes and new features in 2 years :slight_smile:

Ok, good to know. I’ll try to get the plugin updated internally.