The "BUILT-IN Sonar way" YAML Quality Profile in does not have any Rules

When installing “sonar-ansible” & “sonar-yaml” plugins, following the documentation provided on the UI (Marketplace). After downloading the YAML and Ansible SonarQube plugins in the appropriate folder “extensions/plugins”, restart SonarQube, we are NOT capable to enable Ansible rule. YAML quality profile still has no rules.

What are you trying to accomplish?

  • Support a new language?
  • Extend an existing one? Which one?
  • Add language-agnostic features?
  • Something else?
    Enable ansible rules
    What’s your specific coding challenge in developing your plugin?
    And, if relevant, please share the code that’s giving you problems:

Hey there.

I suggest raising an issue with GitHub - sbaudoin/sonar-yaml: SonarQube plugin to analyze YAML files / GitHub - sbaudoin/sonar-ansible: SonarQube plugin to analyze Ansible playbooks