The "build-wrapper-dump.json" file was found but 0 C/C++/Objective-C files were analyzed ObjC application

Hi, everyone!
I’m trying to scan my objC application.
Used build-wrapper-macosx-x86 --out-dir build_wrapper_output_directory xcodebuild clean build.
After BUILD SUCCEEDED message i got complete build-wrapper-dump.json.
Used sonar-scanner -Dsonar.verbose=true and everytime I’ve got a message with:
ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The “build-wrapper-dump.json” file was found but 0 C/C++/Objective-C files were analyzed. Please make sure that:

  • you are using the latest version of the build-wrapper and the CFamily analyzer
  • you are correctly invoking the scanner with correct configuration
  • your compiler is supported
  • you are wrapping your build correctly
  • you are wrapping a full/clean build
  • you are providing the path to the correct build-wrapper output directory
  • you are building and analyzing the same source checkout, absolute paths must be identical in build and analysis steps

SonarQube 8.4.2 (remote server)
Mac OS X 10.15.6 x86_64
CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)

Hello @Loork,
Welcome to the community!

The build-wrapper.json contains the absolute directories of the files that are built by the command passed to the build-wrapper xcodebuild clean build

It seems that there are 0 Objc files that indexed by the scanner and built by your command(You should find the list in the json)

  • Make sure that you are running sonar-scanner from a directory that contains the file you built and want to analyze. From the debug output of the scanner( using -X flag) you can see the files that are indexed as Objc

  • Make sure that the indexed files exist in the build-wrapper.json


Hello. I get the same error on SonarLint for Eclipse. Where do i find this JSON file?