With 9.9 LTS SonarQube produces the following warning:
The Data Dictionary is not configured for the PLSQL analyzer, which prevents rule(s) S3641, S3921, S3618, S3651 from raising issues. See https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/plsql/
It’s unlikely that a sys level table will ever be exposed to the tool. Is there a way to turn off this warning?
It’s unlikely that a sys-level table will ever be exposed to the tool.
The analyzer does not have access to this table by default, but if you want to enable these rules you need to configure the data dictionary connection so that it gets access (see docs for more information).
EDIT: However, I would strongly recommend configuring the analyzer to get access to the data dictionary (see here how) and not disabling those rules as they are very useful.