Data Dictionary is not configured warning

When I look in SonarCloud, I always have the following warning:

The Data Dictionary is not configured which prevents rule(s) S3641, S3921, S3618, S3651 to raise issues. See

However we don’t use any oracle connection, but SQL connection. How do we need to configure this to prevent this warning from coming up?

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I’m not sure what you mean by:

we don’t use any oracle connection, but SQL connection.

Some possible workarounds:

  • Exclude sql files from the analysis:
  • Remove the rules mentioned in the message from the PL/SQL quality profile which is used by your project

I mean that we don’t use Oracle databases, but only Microsoft SQL databases.

We don’t want to exclude the sql files, because there is a lot of business logic in the Stored Procedures.

Do you have any tips how to fill in these parameters for Microsoft SQL server/database

I suggest that you configure your project so that files with a “.sql” suffix are analyzed by the T-SQL analyzer instead of the PL/SQL analyzer:


I suggest that you configure your project so that files with a “.sql” suffix are analyzed by the T-SQL analyzer instead of the PL/SQL analyzer:

But is this valid if the The *.sql files are written in PLSQL?

No. The user who asked the original question mentioned that:

My understanding was that this user had .sql files containing T-SQL code.

@pynicolas that is correct.

This ticket is allready over a year old and I am not working at the company where this issue was. I don’t know the status is any more.

I saw this reply of yours, but I’m curious, I’m using sonarcloud with bitbucket pipeline. Is there a way to inject this as a script part in the pipeline?

Sorry, I don’t know anything about Bitbucket pipeline.
I suggest that you open a new thread because this one is quite old and not really related to your question.

Does sonar.plsql.file.suffixes supports some kind of regex?
I have the situation where my .sql files are in the following format:


Apparently, sonar does not recognize it. I already tried setting:

None of the above worked.