Reference to old SonarCloud documentation (warning related to PL/SQL)

Steps to reproduce: Not exactly sure, but I think we need a code base with SQL files?

I get a warning on SonarCloud saying:

The Data Dictionary is not configured for PLSQL analyzer which prevents rule(s) S3641, S3921, S3618, S3651 to raise issues. See SonarCloud

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 10.48.16

However, when I follow that link, I get a 404 page that says:

SonarCloud’s documentation has moved.

The SonarCloud’s documentation website has been moved to a new place. Please go to from now on.

Take me there


Then, when I change the host name in the URL, I still get a 404. Screenshot:

Suggested fix:

  • Change the link so it directly takes the user to the appropriate page on the site.

Thank you @ernstdehaan , we’ve opened [SONARPLSQL-773] Fix PL-SQL error message on UI - SonarSource to fix the URL to PL/SQL | SonarCloud Docs