Sonarqube swift plugin comes with developer edition or not?

Hi Team,

We have got the sonarqube developer edition and we are running sonarqube 8.0 server.
For getting code coverage I was looking for sonarswift plugin. So my question is does this plugin comes with the developer edition purchase or we need to buy this plugin additionally ?
Thanks for your support.


Hi @Amit_Kumar,

SonarSwift is part of developer edition as stated in the product page:

For coverage see the dedicated documentation page:

Hi Massimo,
Can you help me installing the sonarsource code analyzer for swift? I mean how can i use it to generate reports.


Hi @Amit_Kumar,

I don’t need to help you, everything is already explained in the documentation, just take the time to read it carefully.

Ok will look into it. Thanks for the support

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