SonarQube for VS2022 Extensions Menu - Cannot move to top-level menu

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 11 Enterprise (23H2 - 22631.4602)
  • Visual Studio version: Visual Studio Enterprise 2022
  • SonarQube for Visual Studio plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: N/A
  • Is connected mode used:
    • SonarQube Cloud, SonarQube Server, or SonarQube Community Build? (if one of the latter two, which version?): N/A

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

After installing SonarQube for Visual Studio, I wanted to put the ‘SonarQube for Visual Studio’ menu on the top-level menu, like I do with some other extensions.

When I go into the Extensions menu, then select ‘Customize menu…’, SonarQube for Visual Studio is not in the ‘Menu items in the Extensions menu:’ section, even though it is in the Extensions menu.

However you added it to the extensions menu, you seem to have disabled the ability for people to move it into the top-level menu.

I cannot stand having to hover through a tree of extension menu for each extension I use, so always put them on the top-menu.

Can you please look into fixing this so the extension can be properly move into the top-level menu if that is what a developer prefers.

Thank you,


Hello @bryanfarrell-msci,

Welcome to our community! :sonar:

I can reproduce the described behavior, so I have created a ticket in our backlog to address your problem.

Thank you for your feedback!

@bryanfarrell-msci, we released Sonar Qube for IDE 8.12 and we included the fix that will now allow you to use the extension from the top-level menu. Please update and let us know if it works for you.