SonarQube for Visual Studio - Connected Mode not working behind corporate proxy

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Visual Studio version: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.12.3
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C#
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
We are behind a corporate proxy and when trying to connect to to set up a binding to projects the extension is unable to connect.

Some logs:

[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Request failed
[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,,,] failed: Connection timed out: getsockopt | failed after 84185ms
[ThreadId 106] [SLCORE] Error during synchronization
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '6'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 246] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 246] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '45'
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 257] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 257] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 47] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '47'
[ThreadId 47] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 47] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 47] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 64] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 64] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '106'
[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 106] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 218] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 218] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '102'
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 309] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 309] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '102'
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 102] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[REDACTED]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 61] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}

I have this project in connected mode from earlier and the GetNotificationsRequest is getting thru OK but when I open up the “Bind to SonarQube” option in the extention the GUI doesn’t seem to be able to connect or retrive projects.

I have tried the experimental build of the extension provided by gabriela.trutan . Using openjdk 23. I have set in my environment settings and in

It seems like the extension finds the environment settings

[ThreadId 8] [SLCORE-ERR] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:
[ThreadId 42] [SLCORE-ERR] Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:

But nothing have worked. It looks like there is a problem in how the “GUI” communicates.

Hello @Michael_Sendow ,

Thank you for providing us the logs!

I created another custom build that provides the proxy settings configured at the system level by leveraging our backend’s API (SlCore).

I would invite you to install it again. If the problem persists, could you please share the verbose logs or at least the logs that indicate the problem?

If I read the logs it seems like it is connected but if I try to open the Bind settings I cannot connect to the server to get the project list.

[ThreadId 1] Initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 76] Initializing the daemon package...
[ThreadId 76] [Connection Migration] Connections.json exists. Migrating connections from existing bindings was not performed
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 14] [SLCoreHandler] Creating SLCore instance
[ThreadId 14] [SLCoreHandler] Starting SLCore instance
[ThreadId 14] [DEBUG] Using JRE location provided in the settings "E:\ProgramData\openjdk-23.0.1_windows-x64_bin\jdk-23.0.1\bin\java.exe"
[ThreadId 14] Loaded settings from "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".
[ThreadId 1] Current VS version:
    Visual Studio Professional 2022
[ThreadId 14] [NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONA.
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] SonarLint backend started, instance=org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.rpc.impl.SonarLintRpcServerImpl@790da477
[ThreadId 14] [NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set
[ThreadId 14] Finished initializing the daemon package.
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Started embedded server on port 64120
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous local-only issue database from C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\local_onl.
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting local-only issue database from C:\Users\[USERNAME]\.sonarlint\xodus-local-only-issue-store344291611790440358
[ThreadId 14] [SLCORE] Can't open directory channel. Log directory fsync won't be performed.
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '53'
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 20] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 53] [FileTracker] Service Provider is unavailable
[ThreadId 34] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: E:/Git/SHB.Service.ErrorManagement/.gitignore
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/SHB.Service.ErrorManagement/.gitignore'
  should analyze: True 
[ThreadId 26] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\SHB.Service.ErrorManagement\.gitignore with id 
[ThreadId 26] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis  not ready for file E:\Git\SHB.Service.ErrorManagement\.gitignore: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 79] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '79'
[ThreadId 79] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 80] Initializing the notifications package...
[ThreadId 79] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 1] Not connected: not checking for notifications
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the notifications package
[ThreadId 79] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 1] Saving notifications settings...
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 1] Loading notifications settings...
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 31] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '30'
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 36] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 23] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 1] Initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package...
[ThreadId 1] Finishing initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '68'
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\SHB.Service.ErrorManagement
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding changed -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 1] Binding has changed. Open documents will be re-analysed.
[ThreadId 1] Connected: checking for notifications
[ThreadId 30] Starting job: "re-analyzing 0 document(s)...". Time: 16:38:13
[ThreadId 52] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '52'
[ThreadId 30] Finished job "re-analyzing 0 document(s)..." started at 16:38:13. Elapsed time: 12ms
[ThreadId 52] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 52] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Binding suggestion computation queued for config scopes 'SHB.Service.ErrorManagement'...
[ThreadId 20] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Configuration scope 'SHB.Service.ErrorManagement' is already bound.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating a new StorageFacade for storageRoot=C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot and workDir=C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\workDir
[ThreadId 52] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&from=2024-12-11T17%3A38%3A13%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing new configuration scopes: [SHB.Service.ErrorManagement]
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Looking for node in the PATH
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of connection '[MYORG]'
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'Unauthorized' received.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe'...
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Unexpected HttpStatusCode Unauthorized.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Stopped monitoring repo
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\SHB.Service.ErrorManagement
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe' exited with 0
stdout: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Found node at E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Checking node version...
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v'...
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Initializing package...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Ending current session...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Disposing current session: 
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Not available for the current server connection
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Package initialized
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v' exited with 0
stdout: v20.17.0
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Checking if file exists before importing targets. File: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\Current\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore\SonarLint.targets
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Detected node version: 20.17.0
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Skipped file writing as identical file was found.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Auto-detected Node.js path set to: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe (version 20.17.0)
[ThreadId 12] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 16] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 1] [Taint] Initializing taint issues synchronization package...
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=316ms
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 317ms
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python' dependency on 'python' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 29] [DEBUG] [Taint Sync] Taint storage has already been initialized for current configuration scope
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 48] [Taint] Fetched 0 taint vulnerabilities.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Java' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Java Advanced Code Quality Analyzer' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 48] [Taint] Finished initializing taint issues synchronization package.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Loaded 4 plugins
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * Text Code Quality and Security (textenterprise)
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * License for SonarLint (license)
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating container for module 'SHB.Service.ErrorManagement'
[ThreadId 71] [SLCORE] Could not load analyzer configuration storage
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] isReadyForAnalysis(connectionId:[MYORG], sonarProjectKey: [MYORG]_[MYPROJ], plugins: true, analyzer config: false, findings: false) => false
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Cannot match Sonar branch, storage is empty
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=935ms
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 935ms
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Stored server info
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '12'
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '16'
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating websocket connection to wss://
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=676ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded plugin list in 681ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'abap' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarapex' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecture' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecturejavafrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'csharpenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cpp' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cobol' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbd' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdjavafrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdpythonfrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'flex' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'go' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'web' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iac' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iacenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 88] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jcl' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jacoco' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] {.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javasymbolicexecution' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'java' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] {.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Match found: same Sonar branch name: main
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javascript' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Match found: same Sonar branch name: main
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'kotlin' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 19] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'license' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 19] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'php' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'pli' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '55'
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'ISearchHotspotRequest' on thread '19'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'plsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'python' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest'.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'rpg' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'ruby' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarscala' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'swift' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'tsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/hotspots/search?projectKey=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&branch=main&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'textenterprise' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vbnetenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 55] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 55] [Hotspots] Finished fetching all hotspots
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Unknown files: []
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of Sonar project '[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]' for connection '[MYORG]'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Synchronizing analyzer configuration for project '[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] WebSocket opened
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project '[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project '[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["IssueChanged","QualityGateChanged","SecurityHotspotChanged","SecurityHotspotClosed","SecurityHotspotRaised","TaintVulnerabilityClosed","TaintVulnerabilityRaised"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["MyNewIssues"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404[MYORG]_[MYPROJ] | response time=4401ms
[ThreadId 26] [SLCORE] Error during synchronization
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '71'
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 71] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&from=2024-12-11T17%3A38%3A13%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404[MYORG]_[MYPROJ] | response time=43ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 43ms
[ThreadId 116] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key [MYORG]_[MYPROJ]
[ThreadId 14] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200[MYORG]&ps=500&p=1 | response time=72ms
[ThreadId 67] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 76ms
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is True.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '51'
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 131] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 131] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 33] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '33'
[ThreadId 33] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 33] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 33] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 115] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '115'
[ThreadId 115] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 115] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 115] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&organization=[MYORG]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 131] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 8
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '16'
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 131] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] {"total":211,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Received 211 items.
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '53'
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] {"total":130,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Received 130 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: '.
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '68'
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] {"total":453,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Received 453 items.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '49'
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] {"total":219,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Received 219 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: '.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '49'
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] {"total":360,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":

[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Received 360 items.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '49'
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 131] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"sonar.project.monorepo.enabled","value":"false","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonaranalyzer-cs.nuget.packageVersion","value":"","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"","value":"","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonar.cs.ignoreHeaderComments","value":"true","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonar.c.file.suffixes","values":[".c",".h"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonar.typescript.file.suffixes","values":[".ts",".tsx",".cts",".mts"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonar.cobol.dialect","value":"ibm-enterprise-cobol","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonar.locationChecksums","value":"true","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"email.fromName","value":"SonarCloud","inherited":true,"parentValue":"SonarCloud","parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"block_project_provisionin.
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '58'
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 128] [DEBUG] {"total":133,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Received 56 items.
[ThreadId 95] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '95'
[ThreadId 95] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 95] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 95] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: '.
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '7'
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding updated -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'SHB.Service.ErrorManagement', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 113] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 53] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Cannot match Sonar branch, storage is empty
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '53'
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '113'
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 53] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 113] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404[MYORG]_[MYPROJ] | response time=81ms
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key [MYORG]_[MYPROJ]
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 81ms
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] {.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Match found: same Sonar branch name: main
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 54] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 54] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'ISearchHotspotRequest' on thread '54'
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest'.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/hotspots/search?projectKey=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&branch=main&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] {"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":2},"hotspots":[{"key":".
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 89] [Hotspots] Finished fetching all hotspots
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] {.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Match found: same Sonar branch name: main
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 54] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 54] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '54'
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] {"total":8,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":8},"effortTotal":33,"debtTotal":33,"issues":[{"key":"AZO.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Received 8 items.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=BUG&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":0},"effortTotal":0,"debtTotal":0,"issues":[],"components":[],"organizations":[],"facets":[]}
[ThreadId 54] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 54] [ServerIssueStore] Raising change event...
[ThreadId 54] [Suppressions] Finished fetching all suppressions
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '58'
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[MYORG]_[MYPROJ]&from=2024-12-11T17%3A38%3A13%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 89] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}

Thank you for the logs, @Michael_Sendow!

Do I understand correctly that when you click on the “Select Project” button, you cannot see any project in the “Select project to bind” window? Or just your project is not there?

Could you double-check, please, that your project still exists on SonarQube Cloud?

Yes they are present in SonarCloud.

I can see that a shared configuration exists for your solution. Could you please click the “Use shared configuration” button and let me know what the logs say?

Edit: More information about the shared configuration can be found here

It would also be nice to be able to have sonarlint use Windows Certificate Store when using the extension for Visual Studio (since it is running on windows).

[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404[PROJECTKEY] | response time=63ms
[ThreadId 177] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key [PROJECTKEY]
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 63ms
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is True.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '228'
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '228'
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 307] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 307] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '228'
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=[PROJECTKEY]&organization=[ORG]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 8
[ThreadId 283] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '283'
[ThreadId 283] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 283] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 283] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 307] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 211 items.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '228'
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] {"
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 130 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs', Language: 'C'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '240'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 19] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '134'
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=[PROJECTKEY]&from=2024-12-11T17%3A38%3A13%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 453 items.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '134'
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] {"
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 219 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp', Language: 'C++'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '240'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCb&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 360 items.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '186'
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[PROJECTKEY]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 224] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '224'
[ThreadId 224] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 224] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 224] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCb&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Received 133 items.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '134'
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 134] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[PROJECTKEY]&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCb', Language: 'C#'
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '241'
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCY&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] {"
[ThreadId 304] [DEBUG] Received 24 items.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '186'
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCY&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] {"
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCY', Language: 'CSS'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '240'
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 240] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCZ&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 262] [DEBUG] {"
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '241'
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 241] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[PROJECTKEY]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '186'
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] Received 56 items.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '228'
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 228] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[PROJECTKEY]&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh', Language: 'VB.NET'
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '263'
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=[PROJECTKEY]&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 239] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding updated -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 263] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 186] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 177] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'SHB.Service.ErrorManagement', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 177] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 177] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Cannot match Sonar branch, storage is empty
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '263'
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '186'
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 263] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[PROJECTKEY]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=[PROJECTKEY]', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 272] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404[PROJECTKEY] | response time=250ms
[ThreadId 186] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key [PROJECTKEY]
[ThreadId 272] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 250ms
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Match found: same Sonar branch name: main
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 179] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 179] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '179'
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 179] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=[PROJECTKEY]&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:

@Michael_Sendow, could you please try to recreate your connection in the “Manage Connections” and make sure that the organization is the correct one and that the token is valid? Then try again to bind.


I noticed this morning that the project was bound. Regardless I tried to make a new connection with a new token. I got an error from that (I guess since I already had a connection with that organization). I then tried to update the existing connection with the new token and that worked.

So now the project is bound. I will try to bind a new project and see what happens.

That worked!

Restarted VS2022 and it is unbound again. :frowning:

Starting to think it might be something with the proxy

Ok, it looses the binding everytime I restart VS2022.
To workaround I need to delete the projects under %appdata%/sonar…/Bindings

Then I need to reregiser the connection (with a token).

After that I can choose the project on Sonarcloud to bind to.

Thank you for all the updates, @Michael_Sendow!

If I understand correctly, the binding works now after recreating the connection, even after restarting Visual Studio?

No, after restart it stops working again. It only works temporarily when recreating the connections.

@Michael_Sendow, I am sorry to hear that you still have troubles after restarting VS!

I want to let you know that the version 8.8.1 that includes the fix has been released.Could you please update to the latest version and see if there is any change?

If you still encounter the issue, could you provide us with the verbose logs that you have when starting the VS and your solution is already bound? I am trying to determine if the error is still the same (I am particularly interested in the 404) or if something else is problematic now.

Downloaded the latest extension and still loose the binding after restart of VS2022.
Here are some of the logs. Still getting the 404, but also got a notification that the Quality Gate become green. So it’s like some parts are working and some are not…

[ThreadId 1] Initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 87] Initializing the daemon package...
[ThreadId 87] [Connection Migration] Connections.json exists. Migrating connections from existing bindings was not performed
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 66] [SLCoreHandler] Creating SLCore instance
[ThreadId 66] [SLCoreHandler] Starting SLCore instance
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Using JRE location provided in the settings "E:\ProgramData\openjdk-23.0.1_windows-x64_bin\jdk-23.0.1\bin\java.exe"
[ThreadId 66] Loaded settings from "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".
[ThreadId 1] Current VS version:
    Visual Studio Professional 2022
[ThreadId 66] [NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH
[ThreadId 66] [NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set
[ThreadId 66] Finished initializing the daemon package.
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] SonarLint backend started, instance=org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.rpc.impl.SonarLintRpcServerImpl@790da477
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Started embedded server on port 64120
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous local-only issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\local_only_issue_backup.tar.gz
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting local-only issue database from C:\Users\USER\.sonarlint\xodus-local-only-issue-store12603870972761864227
[ThreadId 72] [SLCORE] Can't open directory channel. Log directory fsync won't be performed.
[ThreadId 1] Initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package...
[ThreadId 1] Finishing initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package
[ThreadId 1] [SharedBindingConfigProvider] The .sonarlint shared folder was not found
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.

[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 87] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 16] [FileTracker] Service Provider is unavailable
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory

[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '82'
[ThreadId 51] [FileTracker] Service Provider is unavailable
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 59] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 59] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
  should analyze: True 
[ThreadId 13] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id 
[ThreadId 13] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis  not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj'
  should analyze: True 
[ThreadId 12] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj with id 
[ThreadId 102] Initializing the notifications package...
[ThreadId 1] Not connected: not checking for notifications
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the notifications package
[ThreadId 12] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis  not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj: Configuration scope not initialized

[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '68'
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 81] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.

[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '65'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:

[ThreadId 81] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 99] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding changed -> cache cleared

[ThreadId 1] Binding has changed. Open documents will be re-analysed.
[ThreadId 1] Connected: checking for notifications
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '18'
[ThreadId 84] Starting job: "re-analyzing 1 document(s)...". Time: 13:24:51
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Initializing package...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Ending current session...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Disposing current session: 
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Not available for the current server connection
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Package initialized
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] Finished job "re-analyzing 1 document(s)..." started at 13:24:51. Elapsed time: 2157ms
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Checking if file exists before importing targets. File: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\Current\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore\SonarLint.targets
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 1] [Taint] Initializing taint issues synchronization package...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Stopped monitoring repo
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Skipped file writing as identical file was found.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Binding suggestion computation queued for config scopes 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 92] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-17T14%3A24%3A51%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 65] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [Taint Sync] Taint storage has already been initialized for current configuration scope
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' is already bound.
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'Unauthorized' received.
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating a new StorageFacade for storageRoot=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot and workDir=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\workDir
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
  should analyze: True 

[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Bound configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' added with an existing storage, queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Unexpected HttpStatusCode Unauthorized.

[ThreadId 85] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id 
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing new configuration scopes: [My.Project.Is.Here]
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '92'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '62'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '65'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 85] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis  not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Looking for node in the PATH
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe'...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe' exited with 0
stdout: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Found node at E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Checking node version...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v'...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v' exited with 0
stdout: v20.17.0
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Detected node version: 20.17.0
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Auto-detected Node.js path set to: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe (version 20.17.0)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python' dependency on 'python' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Java' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Java Advanced Code Quality Analyzer' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Loaded 4 plugins
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * Text Code Quality and Security (textenterprise)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * License for SonarLint (license)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating container for module 'My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous server issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\68747470733a2f2f736f6e6172636c6f75642e696f2f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e732f7376656
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 26] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting server issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\workDir\xodus-issue-store11374982198791828790
[ThreadId 22] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] isReadyForAnalysis(connectionId:, sonarProjectKey: organization__My.Project.Is.Here, plugins: true, analyzer config: true, findings: true) => true
[ThreadId 26] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 22] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] Updated analysis readiness: True
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '26'
[ThreadId 15] Starting job: "re-analyzing 1 document(s)...". Time: 13:25:06
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 15] Finished job "re-analyzing 1 document(s)..." started at 13:25:06. Elapsed time: 7ms
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache hit
[ThreadId 62] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of connection ''
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating websocket connection to wss://
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
  "sonar.exclusions": [],
  "": [
  "sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Language of file "file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs" is detected to be "CS"
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
  Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
  Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
  Is match: False
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Processing file event E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with event MODIFIED
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
  Server Exclusions: 
    Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
  file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
  should analyze: True 
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing file exclusion for uri 'file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
[ThreadId 110] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id 
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server excluded sources: 
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   **/build-wrapper-dump.json
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing paths translation for config scope 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matched Sonar project branch for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' changed from 'null' to 'main'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Request cancelled
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET,UTS&component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization&ps=500&p=1 join | failed after 9ms
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing paths translation for config scope 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * cs: 360 active rules
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Extracting rules metadata for connection ''
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] WebSocket opened
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=8378ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 8378ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=BUG&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404,UTS&component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization&ps=500&p=1 | response time=90ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200,javasecurity,jssecurity,phpsecurity,pythonsecurity,tssecurity&organization=organization&f=repo&s=key&ps=500&p=1 | response time=139ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Error while getting server file paths for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] File exclusion for uri 'file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs' is false
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=51ms
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 51ms
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 157ms
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Storing server info in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\68747470733a2f2f736f6e6172636c6f75642e696f2f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e732f7376656e736b6168616e64656c7362616e6b656e\server_info.pb
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["IssueChanged","QualityGateChanged","SecurityHotspotChanged","SecurityHotspotClosed","SecurityHotspotRaised","TaintVulnerabilityClosed","TaintVulnerabilityRaised"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Stored server info
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["MyNewIssues"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":0},"effortTotal":0,"debtTotal":0,"issues":[],"components":[],"organizations":[],"facets":[]}
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 26] [ServerIssueStore] Raising change event...
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=52ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded plugin list in 56ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'abap' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarapex' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 26] [Suppressions] Finished fetching all suppressions
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecture' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecturejavafrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'csharpenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cpp' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cobol' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbd' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdjavafrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdpythonfrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'flex' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'go' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'web' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iac' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iacenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jcl' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jacoco' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javasymbolicexecution' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'java' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javascript' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'kotlin' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'license' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'php' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'pli' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'plsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'python' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'rpg' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'ruby' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarscala' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'swift' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'tsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'textenterprise' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vbnetenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vb' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'security' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securitycsharpfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityjsfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityjavafrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityphpfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securitypythonfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'xml' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dart' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Unknown files: []
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of Sonar project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here' for connection ''
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Synchronizing analyzer configuration for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'

[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 94ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Wrote 0 taints in store | took 1ms
[ThreadId 82] [Taint] Fetched 0 taint vulnerabilities.

[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=141ms
[ThreadId 82] [Taint] Finished initializing taint issues synchronization package.
[ThreadId 15] [SLCORE] Error during synchronization

[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Triggering analysis with configuration: [
  baseDir: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests

[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous known findings database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\known_findings_backup.tar.gz
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting known findings database from C:\Users\USER\.sonarlint\known-findings-store829148472828199042
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Start analysis
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Index files
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Language of file "file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs" is detected to be "CS"
[ThreadId 69] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1 file indexed
[ThreadId 69] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Added 310 checks for language='ts', repository='typescript'
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Added 311 checks for language='js', repository='javascript'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No registered JsAnalysisConsumer.
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript/TypeScript analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript inside HTML analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute Sensor: CSS Rules
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute Sensor: EnterpriseTextAndSecretsSensor
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Available processors: 12
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Using 12 threads for analysis.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Analyzing all except non binary files
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1 source file to be analyzed
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1/1 source file has been analyzed
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Analysis detected 0 issues and 0 Security Hotspots in 17583ms
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Finished analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id e42185ae-942b-4648-acd5-d98b1fb1cffa, analysis time: 0s
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Finished analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id e42185ae-942b-4648-acd5-d98b1fb1cffa, analysis time: 0s
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '111'
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-17T14%3A24%3A51%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 117] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] {"events":[{"category":"QUALITY_GATE","message":"Quality Gate of project \u0027_My.Project.Is.Here\u0027 is now Green (was Red)","link":"\u003dorganization__My.Project.Is.Here","project":"organization__My.Project.Is.Here","dat

[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ErrorList] Event processor created
[ThreadId 13] [Hotspots] Fetch operation cancelled
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=76ms
[ThreadId 12] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'AZOG_E-u-HdN05FttEA9'
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '60'
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 122] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 122] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=1340ms
[ThreadId 121] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'somekey'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=53ms
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 53ms
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '70'
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 120] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 120] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=76ms
[ThreadId 80] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'somekey'
[ThreadId 88] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=46ms
[ThreadId 126] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 88] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 46ms
[ThreadId 126] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=71ms
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 72ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Load projects from connection ''...
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=71ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 71ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No projects found for connection ''
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '6'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}

[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=50ms
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here

[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 50ms
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is True.

[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '121'
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 8
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":211,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"c:S7116","repo":"c","name":"The first element of an array should not be accessed implicitly","
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 211 items.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 130 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs', Language: 'C'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '62'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2Cdescr
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":453,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"cpp:S110","repo":"cpp","name":"Inheritance tree of classes should not be too deep","htmlDesc":"\u003ch2\u003eWhy i
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 453 items.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '133'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2Cht
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 219 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp', Language: 'C++'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:

[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 360 items.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '70'
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '121'
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.

[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 133 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'somekey&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '150'
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Method: GET, Reque
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] {"total":24,"p":1,"ps":[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Received 24 items.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '80'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/se
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":2,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCY', Language: 'CSS'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '80'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestU
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":326,"p":1,"
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 326 items.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '135'
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Method: GET, Request
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] {"total":95,"p":1,"p
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Received 95 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCZ', Language: 'JavaScript'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUr
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":121,"p":1,"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 121 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUr
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[],"actives":{},"qProfiles":{}}
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'somekey', Language: 'Secrets'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '6'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cn
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":325,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"typescript:S1751","repo":"typescript","name":"Loops with at most one iteration should be refactore
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 325 items.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '66'
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2Cht
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":102,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"typescript:S1451","repo":"typescript","name":"Track lack of copyright and license heade
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 102 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd', Language: 'TypeScript'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '133'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":156,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"vbnet:S7133","repo":"vbnet","name":"Locks should be released within the same method","htmlDesc":
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 156 items.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '13'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"sonar.project.monorepo.enabled","value":"false","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonaranalyzer-cs.nug
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '66'
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":56,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"vbnet:S1147","repo":"vbnet","name":"\"End\" statements should not be used","htmlDesc":"\u003ch2\u003
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 56 items.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '13'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh', Language: 'VB.NET'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding updated -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 140] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '12'
[ThreadId 135] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '141'
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '135'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=49ms
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 49ms
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"profiles":[{"key":"AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCk","name":"Sonar way","language":"abap","languageName":"ABAP","isInherited":false,"isDefault":true,"activeRuleCount":67,"activeDeprecatedRuleCount":0,"rulesUpdated
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 0
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles]    All quality profiles are up to date
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be15548
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 153] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 153] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be155482f1a36bbca11f03df190b5a"},
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be155482f1a36bbca11f03df190b5a"},
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping]     Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 147] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 147] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '148'
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'ISearchHotspotRequest' on thread '147'
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest'.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/hotspots/search?projectKey=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&branch=main&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":2,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":2},"effortTotal":25,"debtTotal":25,"issues":[{"key":"somekey","rule":"csharpsquid:S107","severity":"MAJOR","component":"organization__My.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=BUG&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":2},"hotspots":[{"key":"somekey","component":"organization__My.Project.Is.Here:Source/ErrorDetectorAbaEventLogService/appsettings.json","project"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 153] [Hotspots] Finished fetching all hotspots
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":0},"effortTotal":0,"debtTotal":0,"issues":[],"components":[],"organizations":[],"facets":[]}
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 147] [ServerIssueStore] Raising change event...
[ThreadId 147] [Suppressions] Finished fetching all suppressions
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=77ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 77ms

Thank you for coming back with the logs, @Michael_Sendow!

I am trying to understand the problem better, so I have some additional questions:

  • Is this problem happening for other colleagues as well?
  • Does the Project Key of the project you are trying to bind to have any special characters? (You can find out the Project Key by navigating to the “Project Information” page from your project on
  • Is the problem solved if you just rebind the project without recreating the connection (or regenerating the token)?
  • Can you ensure that the Project Key from the server matches the “ProjectKey” value from the json file of the binding configuration that can be found on this path %AppData%\SonarLint for Visual Studio\Bindings\[YourSolutionName]\binding.config

Sorry for not answering sooner, been on vacation.

Strangely enough now it seems to be working. I have bound a project and when I started VS2022 this morning, it was still bound. I have even restarted my computer and the project still manages to get bound. Not sure what changed…

My colleagues are getting 403 when trying my shared binding. We are trying to look into why it is working for me but not for them.

Hello @Michael_Sendow,

Possible reasons for 403:

  • The token is expired
  • They don’t have the correct permissions

Please let me know if there is anything I can help with!