Downloaded the latest extension and still loose the binding after restart of VS2022.
Here are some of the logs. Still getting the 404, but also got a notification that the Quality Gate become green. So it’s like some parts are working and some are not…
[ThreadId 1] Initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 87] Initializing the daemon package...
[ThreadId 87] [Connection Migration] Connections.json exists. Migrating connections from existing bindings was not performed
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 66] [SLCoreHandler] Creating SLCore instance
[ThreadId 66] [SLCoreHandler] Starting SLCore instance
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Using JRE location provided in the settings "E:\ProgramData\openjdk-23.0.1_windows-x64_bin\jdk-23.0.1\bin\java.exe"
[ThreadId 66] Loaded settings from "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".
[ThreadId 1] Current VS version:
Visual Studio Professional 2022
[ThreadId 66] [NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH
[ThreadId 66] [NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set
[ThreadId 66] Finished initializing the daemon package.
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] SonarLint backend started, instance=org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.rpc.impl.SonarLintRpcServerImpl@790da477
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Started embedded server on port 64120
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous local-only issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\local_only_issue_backup.tar.gz
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting local-only issue database from C:\Users\USER\.sonarlint\xodus-local-only-issue-store12603870972761864227
[ThreadId 72] [SLCORE] Can't open directory channel. Log directory fsync won't be performed.
[ThreadId 1] Initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package...
[ThreadId 1] Finishing initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package
[ThreadId 1] [SharedBindingConfigProvider] The .sonarlint shared folder was not found
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 49] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 87] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 16] [FileTracker] Service Provider is unavailable
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] No repo detected - nothing to monitor
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is False.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '82'
[ThreadId 51] [FileTracker] Service Provider is unavailable
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
"sonar.exclusions": [],
"": [
"sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 59] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 59] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
Is match: False
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
Server Exclusions:
Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
should analyze: True
[ThreadId 13] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id
[ThreadId 13] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
"sonar.exclusions": [],
"": [
"sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj
Is match: False
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
Server Exclusions:
Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests/ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj'
should analyze: True
[ThreadId 12] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj with id
[ThreadId 102] Initializing the notifications package...
[ThreadId 1] Not connected: not checking for notifications
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the notifications package
[ThreadId 12] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests\ErrorMailExecutor.Service.UnitTests.csproj: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '68'
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 68] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 81] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '65'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 81] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 99] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding changed -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 1] Binding has changed. Open documents will be re-analysed.
[ThreadId 1] Connected: checking for notifications
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '18'
[ThreadId 84] Starting job: "re-analyzing 1 document(s)...". Time: 13:24:51
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Initializing package...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Ending current session...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Disposing current session:
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [SSESessionManager] Not available for the current server connection
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode] Package initialized
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] Finished job "re-analyzing 1 document(s)..." started at 13:24:51. Elapsed time: 2157ms
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Checking if file exists before importing targets. File: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\Current\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore\SonarLint.targets
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 1] [Taint] Initializing taint issues synchronization package...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Stopped monitoring repo
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/ImportsBeforeFileGenerator] Skipped file writing as identical file was found.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Binding suggestion computation queued for config scopes 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 92] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-17T14%3A24%3A51%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 65] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [Taint Sync] Taint storage has already been initialized for current configuration scope
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
"sonar.exclusions": [],
"": [
"sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' is already bound.
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'Unauthorized' received.
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
Is match: False
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating a new StorageFacade for storageRoot=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot and workDir=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\workDir
[ThreadId 85] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
Server Exclusions:
Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
should analyze: True
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Bound configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' added with an existing storage, queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Unexpected HttpStatusCode Unauthorized.
[ThreadId 85] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing new configuration scopes: [My.Project.Is.Here]
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '92'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '62'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '65'
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 92] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 65] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 85] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analysis not ready for file E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs: Configuration scope not initialized
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Looking for node in the PATH
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe'...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe' exited with 0
stdout: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Found node at E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Checking node version...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v'...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe -v' exited with 0
stdout: v20.17.0
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Detected node version: 20.17.0
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Auto-detected Node.js path set to: E:\ProgramData\nodejs\node.exe (version 20.17.0)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Python' dependency on 'python' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Dataflow Bug Detection Rules for Java' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Plugin 'Java Advanced Code Quality Analyzer' dependency on 'java' is unsatisfied. Skip loading it.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Loaded 4 plugins
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] * Text Code Quality and Security (textenterprise)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] * License for SonarLint (license)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating container for module 'My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous server issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\68747470733a2f2f736f6e6172636c6f75642e696f2f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e732f7376656
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 26] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting server issue database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\workDir\xodus-issue-store11374982198791828790
[ThreadId 22] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] isReadyForAnalysis(connectionId:, sonarProjectKey: organization__My.Project.Is.Here, plugins: true, analyzer config: true, findings: true) => true
[ThreadId 26] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 22] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] Updated analysis readiness: True
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '26'
[ThreadId 15] Starting job: "re-analyzing 1 document(s)...". Time: 13:25:06
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 15] Finished job "re-analyzing 1 document(s)..." started at 13:25:06. Elapsed time: 7ms
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache hit
[ThreadId 62] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of connection ''
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating websocket connection to wss://
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [ExclusionSettingsStorage] File content: {
"sonar.exclusions": [],
"": [
"sonar.inclusions": []
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Language of file "file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs" is detected to be "CS"
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [GlobPatternMatcher]
Pattern: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
Regex: ^(?:.*\/|)build-wrapper-dump\.json$
Input: E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
Is match: False
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Processing file event E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with event MODIFIED
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [AnalyzableFileIndicator]
Server Exclusions:
Global Exclusions: **/build-wrapper-dump.json
file: 'E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
should analyze: True
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing file exclusion for uri 'file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs'
[ThreadId 110] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server excluded sources:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] **/build-wrapper-dump.json
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing paths translation for config scope 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matched Sonar project branch for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here' changed from 'null' to 'main'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Request cancelled
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET,UTS&component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization&ps=500&p=1 join | failed after 9ms
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Computing paths translation for config scope 'My.Project.Is.Here'...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] * cs: 360 active rules
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Extracting rules metadata for connection ''
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] WebSocket opened
[ThreadId 22] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] sent 'subscribe' for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=8378ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 8378ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=BUG&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404,UTS&component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization&ps=500&p=1 | response time=90ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200,javasecurity,jssecurity,phpsecurity,pythonsecurity,tssecurity&organization=organization&f=repo&s=key&ps=500&p=1 | response time=139ms
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Error while getting server file paths for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] File exclusion for uri 'file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs' is false
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=51ms
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded server infos in 51ms
[ThreadId 18] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 157ms
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Storing server info in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\68747470733a2f2f736f6e6172636c6f75642e696f2f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e732f7376656e736b6168616e64656c7362616e6b656e\server_info.pb
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["IssueChanged","QualityGateChanged","SecurityHotspotChanged","SecurityHotspotClosed","SecurityHotspotRaised","TaintVulnerabilityClosed","TaintVulnerabilityRaised"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Stored server info
[ThreadId 72] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Server event received: {"action":"subscribe","events":["MyNewIssues"],"status":"success"}
[ThreadId 94] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":0},"effortTotal":0,"debtTotal":0,"issues":[],"components":[],"organizations":[],"facets":[]}
[ThreadId 26] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 26] [ServerIssueStore] Raising change event...
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=52ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded plugin list in 56ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'abap' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarapex' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 26] [Suppressions] Finished fetching all suppressions
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecture' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'architecturejavafrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'csharpenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cpp' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'cobol' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbd' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdjavafrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dbdpythonfrontend' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'flex' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'go' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'web' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iac' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'iacenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jcl' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'jacoco' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javasymbolicexecution' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'java' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'javascript' is embedded in SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'kotlin' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'license' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'php' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'pli' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'plsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'python' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'rpg' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'ruby' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'sonarscala' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'swift' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'tsql' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'textenterprise' is up-to-date. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vbnetenterprise' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'vb' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'security' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securitycsharpfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityjsfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityjavafrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securityphpfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'securitypythonfrontend' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'xml' is disabled in SonarLint (language not enabled). Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Code analyzer 'dart' does not support SonarLint. Skip downloading it.
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Unknown files: []
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing storage of Sonar project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here' for connection ''
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] [SYNC] Synchronizing analyzer configuration for project 'organization__My.Project.Is.Here'
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 94ms
[ThreadId 93] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Wrote 0 taints in store | took 1ms
[ThreadId 82] [Taint] Fetched 0 taint vulnerabilities.
[ThreadId 15] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=141ms
[ThreadId 82] [Taint] Finished initializing taint issues synchronization package.
[ThreadId 15] [SLCORE] Error during synchronization
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Triggering analysis with configuration: [
baseDir: E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous known findings database from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\known_findings_backup.tar.gz
[ThreadId 10] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting known findings database from C:\Users\USER\.sonarlint\known-findings-store829148472828199042
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Start analysis
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Index files
[ThreadId 82] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Language of file "file:///E:/Git/My.Project.Is.Here/Source/ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests/ResolverRepositoryTests.cs" is detected to be "CS"
[ThreadId 69] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1 file indexed
[ThreadId 69] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Added 310 checks for language='ts', repository='typescript'
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Added 311 checks for language='js', repository='javascript'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No registered JsAnalysisConsumer.
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript/TypeScript analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 'JavaScript inside HTML analysis' skipped because there are no related files in the current project
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute Sensor: CSS Rules
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute Sensor: EnterpriseTextAndSecretsSensor
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Available processors: 12
[ThreadId 83] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Using 12 threads for analysis.
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Analyzing all except non binary files
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1 source file to be analyzed
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] 1/1 source file has been analyzed
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Analysis detected 0 issues and 0 Security Hotspots in 17583ms
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Finished analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id e42185ae-942b-4648-acd5-d98b1fb1cffa, analysis time: 0s
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Finished analyzing E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs with id e42185ae-942b-4648-acd5-d98b1fb1cffa, analysis time: 0s
[ThreadId 70] [SLCoreAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for E:\Git\My.Project.Is.Here\Source\ErrorResolverService.DataAccessTests\ResolverRepositoryTests.cs
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '111'
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 111] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-17T14%3A24%3A51%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 117] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 16] [DEBUG] {"events":[{"category":"QUALITY_GATE","message":"Quality Gate of project \u0027_My.Project.Is.Here\u0027 is now Green (was Red)","link":"\u003dorganization__My.Project.Is.Here","project":"organization__My.Project.Is.Here","dat
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ErrorList] Event processor created
[ThreadId 13] [Hotspots] Fetch operation cancelled
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=76ms
[ThreadId 12] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'AZOG_E-u-HdN05FttEA9'
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '60'
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 60] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 122] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 122] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=1340ms
[ThreadId 121] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'somekey'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=53ms
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 53ms
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '70'
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 120] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 120] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Assist connection and binding if needed for project organization__My.Project.Is.Here and server
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=76ms
[ThreadId 80] [SLCORE] No issue found with key 'somekey'
[ThreadId 88] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=46ms
[ThreadId 126] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 88] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 46ms
[ThreadId 126] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=71ms
[ThreadId 110] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 72ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Load projects from connection ''...
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=71ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 71ms
[ThreadId 51] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No projects found for connection ''
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '6'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 129] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetNotificationsRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/developers/search_events?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&from=2024-12-18T12%3A29%3A22%2B0100', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"events":[]}
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=50ms
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 50ms
[ThreadId 1] Connecting to ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] IsConnected is True.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Selected SonarCloud request factory
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_00.GetSourceCodeRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_10.GetLanguagesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_40.GetModulesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V5_50.DownloadStaticFile
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_20.GetProjectsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPluginsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfileChangeLogRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetNotificationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetRoslynExportProfileRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_00.GetOrganizationsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V8_6.GetHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_4.TransitionIssueRequestWithAccept
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.CommentIssueRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Registered SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_9.SearchFilesByNameRequest
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Getting the version of SonarCloud...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetVersionRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V2_10.GetVersionRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/server/version', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG]
[ThreadId 1] Connected to SonarCloud ''.
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Validating the credentials...
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IValidateCredentialsRequest' on thread '121'
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V3_30.ValidateCredentialsRequest'.
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/authentication/validate', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"valid":true}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] Credentials accepted.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 8
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":211,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"c:S7116","repo":"c","name":"The first element of an array should not be accessed implicitly","
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 211 items.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '84'
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 84] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2CdescriptionSections%2CeducationPrinciples%2CcleanCodeAttribute&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 130 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCs', Language: 'C'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '62'
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 62] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2ChtmlNote%2Cdescr
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":453,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"cpp:S110","repo":"cpp","name":"Inheritance tree of classes should not be too deep","htmlDesc":"\u003ch2\u003eWhy i
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 453 items.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '133'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%2Cht
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 219 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCp', Language: 'C++'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 360 items.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '70'
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 70] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '121'
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 121] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 133 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'somekey&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cname%
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '150'
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 150] [DEBUG] Method: GET, Reque
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] {"total":24,"p":1,"ps":[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Received 24 items.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '80'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/se
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":2,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCY', Language: 'CSS'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '80'
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 80] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestU
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":326,"p":1,"
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 326 items.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '135'
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Method: GET, Request
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] {"total":95,"p":1,"p
[ThreadId 144] [DEBUG] Received 95 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCZ', Language: 'JavaScript'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUr
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"total":121,"p":1,"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 121 items.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '9'
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUr
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[],"actives":{},"qProfiles":{}}
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'somekey', Language: 'Secrets'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '6'
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2Ctags%2Cn
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":325,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"typescript:S1751","repo":"typescript","name":"Loops with at most one iteration should be refactore
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 325 items.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '66'
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2Cht
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":102,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"typescript:S1451","repo":"typescript","name":"Track lack of copyright and license heade
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 102 items.
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCd', Language: 'TypeScript'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '133'
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 133] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=true&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":156,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"vbnet:S7133","repo":"vbnet","name":"Locks should be released within the same method","htmlDesc":
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 156 items.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetPropertiesRequest' on thread '13'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_30.GetPropertiesRequest'.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"sonar.project.monorepo.enabled","value":"false","inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"},{"key":"sonaranalyzer-cs.nug
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetRulesRequest' on thread '66'
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V10_2.GetRulesWithCCTRequest'.
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 66] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/rules/search?activation=false&qprofile=AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh&f=repo%2CinternalKey%2Cparams%2Cactives%2ChtmlDesc%2
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":56,"p":1,"ps":500,"rules":[{"key":"vbnet:S1147","repo":"vbnet","name":"\"End\" statements should not be used","htmlDesc":"\u003ch2\u003
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 56 items.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '13'
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Successfully downloaded quality profile. Name: 'Sonar way', Key: 'AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCh', Language: 'VB.NET'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetExclusionsRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetExclusionsRequest'.
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/settings/values?component=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"settings":[{"key":"","values":["**/build-wrapper-dump.json"],"inherited":true,"parentOrigin":"INSTANCE"}]}
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Binding updated -> cache cleared
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Updating quality profiles...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ActionRunner] Cancelling current operation...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] VCS repository changed for configuration scope 'My.Project.Is.Here', queuing matching of the Sonar project branch...
[ThreadId 140] [Suppressions] Fetching all suppressions...
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetQualityProfilesRequest' on thread '12'
[ThreadId 135] [Hotspots] Fetching all hotspots...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Matching Sonar project branch
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_50.GetQualityProfilesRequest'.
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 12] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/qualityprofiles/search?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&organization=organization', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Cache miss. Recalculating server branch mapping...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '141'
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Calculating closest Sonar server branch...
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '135'
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetProjectBranchesRequest' on thread '140'
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V6_60.GetProjectBranchesRequest'.
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 140] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/project_branches/list?project=organization__My.Project.Is.Here', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 404 | response time=49ms
[ThreadId 141] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode] Server did not return a project name for the specified project key organization__My.Project.Is.Here
[ThreadId 135] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Downloaded project details in 49ms
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"profiles":[{"key":"AXTaDf7kDn558Qv6pVCk","name":"Sonar way","language":"abap","languageName":"ABAP","isInherited":false,"isDefault":true,"activeRuleCount":67,"activeDeprecatedRuleCount":0,"rulesUpdated
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] Number of out of date Quality Profiles: 0
[ThreadId 1] [ConnectedMode/QualityProfiles] All quality profiles are up to date
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be15548
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 153] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 153] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be155482f1a36bbca11f03df190b5a"},
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"branches":[{"name":"main","isMain":true,"type":"LONG","status":{"qualityGateStatus":"OK","bugs":0,"vulnerabilities":0,"codeSmells":7},"analysisDate":"2024-12-18T12:29:22+0100","commit":{"sha":"7ce42b01f9be155482f1a36bbca11f03df190b5a"},
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Checking Sonar server branches...
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Updating closest match: branch = main, distance = 35
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Finished calculating closest Sonar server branch. Result: main
[ThreadId 147] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Matching Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 147] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [ConnectedMode/BranchMapping] Closest Sonar server branch: main
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'IGetIssuesRequest' on thread '148'
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesRequestWrapper`1[SonarQube.Client.Api.V7_20.GetIssuesWithComponentSonarCloudRequest]'.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=CODE_SMELL&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Looking up implementation of 'ISearchHotspotRequest' on thread '147'
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Created request of type 'SonarQube.Client.Api.V9_7.SearchHotspotRequest'.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/hotspots/search?projectKey=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&branch=main&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] {"total":2,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":2},"effortTotal":25,"debtTotal":25,"issues":[{"key":"somekey","rule":"csharpsquid:S107","severity":"MAJOR","component":"organization__My.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Sending Http request:
[ThreadId 148] [DEBUG] Method: GET, RequestUri: 'api/issues/search?projects=organization__My.Project.Is.Here&statuses=RESOLVED&branch=main&types=BUG&p=1&ps=500', Version: 1.1, Content: <null>, Headers:
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] {"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":2},"hotspots":[{"key":"somekey","component":"organization__My.Project.Is.Here:Source/ErrorDetectorAbaEventLogService/appsettings.json","project"
[ThreadId 153] [DEBUG] Received 2 items.
[ThreadId 153] [Hotspots] Finished fetching all hotspots
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Response with HTTP status code 'OK' received.
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] {"total":0,"p":1,"ps":500,"paging":{"pageIndex":1,"pageSize":500,"total":0},"effortTotal":0,"debtTotal":0,"issues":[],"components":[],"organizations":[],"facets":[]}
[ThreadId 147] [DEBUG] Received 0 items.
[ThreadId 147] [ServerIssueStore] Raising change event...
[ThreadId 147] [Suppressions] Finished fetching all suppressions
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET 200 | response time=77ms
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Page downloaded in 77ms