SonarQube for Visual Studio - Connected Mode not working behind corporate proxy

Sadly I don’t have access to view permissions. They can login and access the projects on the web. What permissions are needed to use connected mode?

Ok, I found where I can se usergroup permissions and such.

I can bind to a old project but not a new one.

Getting 403 on the new one. I can’t figure this one out.

I switched to the VS2022 instance with the old project that was bound. Then switched to my new project and successfully bind it to sonarcloud…

What permissions are needed to use connected mode?

The 3 requests that were previously failing require, at least, the Browse permission.

I can bind to a old project but not a new one.

Do you mean to an old C# project? Or an old project from SonarCloud?
Are you trying to bind to projects of the same SonarCloud organization?

Could you, please, provide the verbose logs (at least the ones related to the 403 response)?

Is there a way for me to provide the logs privately? I do not want to leak any information in this forum.

I mean an old project in SonarCloud. Everything is to the same organization. Both me and my colleague are in the same user group that has all the permissions. We are “linked” with azure devops.

I am wondering if you could make an “experimental build” of the extension that outputs the http body from the 403 response to the debug log? I have a suspicion that it might be our webfilter that is sporadically forbidding the connection. But without seeing the response body I can’t be sure.

@Michael_Sendow, the version 8.10 has been released! Could you, please, update and let me know if it fixes your issue?

If not, I have created a custom build, where I am trying to log more info about the response of the http request. To better identify them, all the new logs start with “Http request”. Additionally, I tried in this custom build to further configure the proxy settings. Please let me know if this build fixes your problems. If not, I would appreciate if you could share the new logs.

@Michael_Sendow, from what I saw from the logs a problem has been introduced in the custom build. Sorry about that! I addressed it in this new build. Please let me know how it goes!

I willl try the new build and get back to you

Hello, @Michael_Sendow! Did you have a chance to use the custom build?

Hi, I have booked a meeting with a colleague today so that he can’t ignore testing it more :slight_smile:

I will get back to you with the results.

Three different colleagues have tried the 11803 build and it seems to work!

I have to run my own JDK and import our certificates for proxy verification. A bit of a hassle. Maybe that should be the new feature, to use Windows built in “keystore”.

Thank you so much for trying the custom build! I am so happy that it worked for you and your colleagues! :partying_face:

I have some follow-up questions to be sure I understand the solution correctly:

  • Just by using the custom build (without the additional configuration of your own JDK) did not solve the problem?
  • Could you please still provide me in the private DM the verbose logs of the current working custom buld?
  • Using your own JDK with the official (i.e. not the custom build) version of SonarQube for Visual Studio (formerly SonarLint) did not solve your problem?

Maybe that should be the new feature, to use Windows built in “keystore”.

This feature was causing too many problems on Windows, so we decided to drop it (see this ticket for more details).

  • Just by using the custom build (without the additional configuration of your own JDK) did not solve the problem?

No, because we need to import our root-ca certs to the keystore to be able to auth against the proxy.

  • Could you please still provide me in the private DM the verbose logs of the current working custom buld?

I will send the logs from the last person that did the “my” installation procedure.

  • Using your own JDK with the official (i.e. not the custom build) version of SonarQube for Visual Studio (formerly SonarLint) did not solve your problem?


Thank you so much for your useful answers, @Michael_Sendow!

I have created a task in our backlog to include this fix as soon as possible!

@Michael_Sendow, we released Sonar Qube for IDE 8.12 and we included the fix that was introduced in the custom build. Please update and let us know if the connected mode works now as expected.


It still works!


I’m glad to hear that! Happy coding! :sonar:

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