Connected Mode no connection to Sonarcloud behind a Proxy

  • Operating system:Win 11 build 26100.2314
  • Visual Studio version:17.12.3
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C#
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud

When i try to Connect to SonarCloud i get this mesage
[ThreadId 58] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,,,] failed: Connection timed out: getsockopt | failed after 84268ms

in VS Code i can solve the Problem when i add the folowing line at Sonarlint › Ls: Vmargs

-Dhttp.proxyHost=IP -Dhttp.proxyPort=PORT -Dhttps.proxyHost=IP -Dhttps.proxyPort=PORT

How can i set the Proxy in the VS Plugin

Hello @rene.michalski! Welcome to Sonar Community!

Could you send us the verbose logs so that we can analyze the issue further?

Thank you!

Hello gabriela.trutan,
here is log

[ThreadId 1] Initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the telemetry package...
[ThreadId 1] Initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package...
[ThreadId 1] [DEBUG] [ConnectedMode/GitMonitor] Monitoring git repo. Root path: E:\Source\Repos\Project
[ThreadId 1] Finishing initializing the SonarQube for Visual Studio package
[ThreadId 57] Initializing the notifications package...
[ThreadId 1] Not connected: not checking for notifications
[ThreadId 1] Finished initializing the notifications package
[ThreadId 1] [SharedBindingConfigProvider] The .sonarlint shared folder was not found
[ThreadId 73] Initializing the daemon package...
[ThreadId 73] [Connection Migration] Start migrating connections from existing bindings
[ThreadId 73] [Connection Migration] End migrating connections from existing bindings
[ThreadId 47] [SLCoreHandler] Creating SLCore instance
[ThreadId 47] [SLCoreHandler] Starting SLCore instance
[ThreadId 47] [DEBUG] Using JRE location provided in the settings "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\bin\java.exe"
[ThreadId 47] Settings file does not exist at "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".
[ThreadId 47] Default settings will be used
[ThreadId 1] Current VS version:
    Visual Studio Enterprise 2022
[ThreadId 47] [NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH
[ThreadId 47] [NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set
[ThreadId 47] Finished initializing the daemon package.
[ThreadId 13] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] SonarLint backend started, instance=org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core.rpc.impl.SonarLintRpcServerImpl@28261e8e
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Error while starting port: 64120, Address already in use: bind
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Started embedded server on port 64121
[ThreadId 30] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Restoring previous local-only issue database from C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\SLVS_SLOOP\storageRoot\local_only_issue_backup.tar.gz
[ThreadId 50] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Starting local-only issue database from C:\Users\user\.sonarlint\xodus-local-only-issue-store6446384982830138571
[ThreadId 47] [SLCORE] Can't open directory channel. Log directory fsync won't be performed.
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] No connections configured, skipping binding suggestions.
[ThreadId 7] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Synchronizing new configuration scopes: [RDB.Core]
[ThreadId 6] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Looking for node in the PATH
[ThreadId 9] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe'...
[ThreadId 40] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'C:\Windows\System32\where.exe $PATH:node.exe' exited with 0
stdout: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 40] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Found node at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
[ThreadId 40] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Checking node version...
[ThreadId 40] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Execute command 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe -v'...
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Command 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe -v' exited with 0
stdout: v23.3.0
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Detected node version: 23.3.0
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Auto-detected Node.js path set to: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe (version 23.3.0)
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Loaded 5 plugins
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * C# Code Quality and Security (csharpenterprise)
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * CFamily Code Quality and Security (cpp)
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * VB.NET Code Quality and Security (vbnetenterprise)
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * Text Code Quality and Security (text)
[ThreadId 42] [DEBUG] [SLCORE]   * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
[ThreadId 24] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Creating container for module 'RDB.Core'
[ThreadId 41] Updated analysis readiness: True
[ThreadId 1] [SharedBindingConfigProvider] The .sonarlint shared folder was not found
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] Request failed
[ThreadId 45] [DEBUG] [SLCORE] GET org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,,,] failed: Connection timed out: getsockopt | failed after 84222ms
[ThreadId 1] [SharedBindingConfigProvider] The .sonarlint shared folder was not found

Thank you for the logs, @rene.michalski!

For now, the proxy settings cannot be directly configured. But as other users have reported problems with this, I created a custom build that uses the proxy settings configured at the system level.

I invite you to install it and let me know if the problem persists. If so, I would ask you to share the new verbose logs.