Sonarqube Enterprise edition capabilities


We are looking for a solution that can “survive” very high load, and thousands of code run.
I tried looking out, but couldn’t find an answer…
Are Developer and Enterprise Editions are “limited” to 1 instance (Kubernetes deployment with helm charts) only? Only Data Center Edition is considered a solution which I can use as a Cluster solution.?
Because 1 pod is not going to be near sufficient for my organization…

At the moment, from my research, SonarCloud is much cheaper then Data Center Edition, and takes much less to maintain - so why would I want the Data Center Edition?


Hi @skoza5

Data Center Edition is SonarQube, which isn’t the same product as SonarCloud :slight_smile:
You might find this blog post useful.

To answer your questions about “high availability” and performance for your organization, I recommend you to send us an email to, explaining your company, your name and what you would like to do with Sonar* tools. You will be reached out to by one of our Sales people that will go deeper into the details with you.

Have a nice day

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