You can read about bulk deleting projects which have not been analyzed since before a given date here.
You can’t get more specific when using POST api/projects/bulk_delete, such as how many analyses the project has had.
To do that, you would need to iterate through all the projects (GET api/projects/search) and check for how many analyses were performed (GET api/project_analyses/search), and then call POST api/projects/delete for each project meeting your criteria.
I don’t quite understand why you’d want to delete projects that are more active than others (for example, a project with only one analysis).
If you’re trying to delete specific analyses, you can use POST api/project_analyses/delete with the key value returned from GET api/project_analyses/search.
As i have checked on web api I am not able to find the GET api/project_analyses_search .
I am getting GET api/project_analyses/search . Using this web api i have to pass the project key parameter. So, it will return the single project/release data.
So, using groovy/shell script how we can determine which project key.
I have to compare the project using date and no. of release on that basis i have to delete the project using script only.
I’m sorry, I don’t really understand your last comment. In order to see the most recent analyses of each project to determine whether or not there’s something to cleanup, you’ll have to iterate through each project. This is a hard requirement of the GET api/project_analyses/search Web API.