Sonarqube admin role

Sonarqube Developer - 8.6

I accidently deleted sonar-administrator group and now it treating the user as normal user. Can you help me recover that role back with all admin rights.


Hi @neha.84.gupta,

Can you confirm that you only deleted the sonar-administrators group and that the admin user is still available?

If so, this should be as easy as logging in as the admin user, creating a group called sonar-administrators, providing it with permissions and adding the appropriate users into it.



Ive also stubbled into deleting the sonar-admin group. The reason you cant simply add the group back is, without being part of the sonar-admin group, you dont have the administration ability to add groups.

Does anyone have a way to add back sonar-admin group and then add the admin to the group?

Edit: Using Postgres running version 7.9
I have a snapshot, so that will probably save me, but if someone had an answer Im sure this will show up again.