SonarQube 7.7 released

Hi all,

SonarSource is proud to announce the release of SonarQube 7.7 with :champagne::sparkles: Real Quality Gates :sparkles: for PRs :sparkles: and Short-lived Branches :sparkles::champagne:, among many other compelling features. I’ll leave the other marquee features for the official announcement (yes, it gets better!).

In addition, there are a few things you need to be aware of:

  • sonar.profile, sonar.language, and sonar.analysis.mode have been dropped and will no longer have any effect on analysis.
  • PR decoration on GitHub Enterprise now uses GitHub Checks and is not compatible with GitHub Enterprise below 2.14.
  • We’ve upgraded ElasticSearch, which may mean your instance needs more file space. It also means that all ES indices will be rebuilt unconditionally, and that we’ve had to drop support for 32-bit architectures.
  • We’ve made some improvements to user management: we now display last user login, and last token use. Note that users who haven’t logged in since upgrade will show up as “Never” having logged in. (SONAR-5611, SONAR-7087)
  • We’ve also added the ability to record an analysis’ sonar.buildString independently of sonar.projectVersion and to set a random analysis as the New Code Period baseline. (MMF-1524)
  • Git SCM plugin version 1.8 is bundled with this release, and adds automatic exclusions based on the project’s .gitignore.

You’ll find more details in the upgrade notes, and full details in the release notes. Please open new threads for any questions you have about these or other features.

As usual, download is available at

Ann & Chris


Hi Ann,
I cannot find sonar-core-7.7.jar in Maven Central repo. Would you upload the latest dependency to the maven? Thank you very much.


SonarQube 7.7 is now available on Maven Central:

Sorry for the delay!

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Thanks Benoit.

Hi Xu,

Out of curiosity why do you need sonar-core? Plugins should depend only on sonar-plugin-api and not on internals.


Hi, will this release eventually become the new LTS release?

/ Alix


The 7.x LTS release is currently scheduled for May.


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Great feature :wink:


Hi Simon,
The l10n testcase need from sonar-core-7.7.jar. And although the related can be found from github, I want to unzip it from sonar-core-7.7.jar.
So usually I will wait the sonar-core.jar from maven central repo.

Awesome, less things to configure with the new .gitignore support. =)

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Which 7.x version will it be based on ?

The last one. :slight_smile:
(7.9 is the plan)


Hello @Colin Good to hear the latest release with less things to integrate.

Is there a plan to replace the sonar.analysis.mode?


sonar.analysis.mode is replaced by PR analysis, which is available from Developer Edition($).

If you’d like to argue about that, please start a new thread.


A post was split to a new topic: What is the new LTS ETA?

A post was split to a new topic: PR decoration in 7.7

A post was merged into an existing topic: What is the new LTS ETA?

Hi Campbell,

we are from private organization and we are looking out for a developer edition licence key of Sonar server 7.8.
Could you help of offering the trail version license key which helps us to explore to the available functionalities before we buy the full version